3 3433 08071646 1
August 25, 1924.
Genealogical Notes
Collected by
George Lockhart Rives
(Privately Printed)
New York
Ubc •fcnicfccrboclier f>ttee, Wtw Both
On February 17, 17 $6, my great- great- grand-
father, Anthony Aufrere, of Norfolk, in England,
married Miss Anna Norris. One of her relatives
was a certain Anthony Norris, of Barton, in Norfolk,
who compiled what he called an " Extract from the
Parentalia of Mr. Norris of Barton." Upon the
death of this Mr. Norris in 1785, the manuscript
came into the possession of my great-grandfather,
Anthony Aufrere, the younger, son of the Anthony
who married Miss Norris. He made some correc-
tions and additions to the manuscript about 1830,
and added interesting accounts of his own family
and of the Lockhart family, into which he had married.
The papers passed into the possession of his son,
George Anthony Aufrere, and after the death of the
latter in 188 1 came into my possession.
I have thought it woidd be interesting to members
of my immediate family to have copies of these ac-
counts of some of their ancestors; and, for the sake
of completeness, following my great-grandfather's ex-
ample, I have prefixed notes of the other families from
which we are descended, or with which I am connected
iv Preface
by marriage. This little volume makes no pretence
to completeness, but it may be useful to those who
care to pursue further genealogical enquiries.
G. L. R.
New York,
January, IQI4.
Genealogical Notes
Memoranda Concerning the Families
Rives, Cabell, Walker, and Nelson of Vir-
ginia; Barclay and De Lancey of New York;
Aufrere of Norfolk in England; Lockhart of
Scotland; Kean of New Jersey; and Whiting of
Of the Rives Family
The origin of this family seems to be in a good
deal of doubt. The late Alexander Brown, in
his book The Cabells and their Kin, to which
I shall have frequent occasion to refer, says that
the first of the name came over somewhere between
1649 and 1659 from England and settled first
" at or near Blandford in Surry County, Virginia." x
Mr. Brown asserts, without giving any authority
for it, that the family came from near Blandford
in Dorsetshire, England. There certainly was
a family whose name is usually spelled Ryves at
Damory Court in Dorsetshire, whose pedigree
is set out at considerable length in Hutchins's
History of Dorset, where the name is sometimes
spelled Reves. Whether, as a matter of fact, the
American family had any connection with the
English family referred to, it is now probably im-
possible to determine.
At any rate, the descendants of the original
emigrant seem to have become rather obscure
farmers in Southeastern Virginia and North
Carolina, where many of the name still, I believe,
remain. 'f\ •:; ; > '^ ' • •
1 There is no place now known as Blandford in Virginia, so
that it is probable the name of the locality has been changed.
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4 Genealogical Notes
My great-grandfather Robert Rives was the son
of William Rives of Sussex County, Virginia (who
died about 1775), and Lucy Shands his wife (born
January 20, 1741, N. S.), a daughter of William
and Priscilla Shands also of Sussex County.
Robert Rives was born March 11, 1764, joined the
Continental Army in 1781 when seventeen years
old, and served as a private at Yorktown. He
had always, it seems, the reputation of being an
extremely energetic young man. He worked in
a country store, gradually made his way in life,
and ultimately became one of the principal mer-
chants of Richmond.
On January 25, 1790, he married Miss Mar-
garet Jordan Cabell (born December 25, 1770), a
daughter of Colonel William Cabell of Union Hill,
Virginia. There was a tradition in the family
that this was a runaway marriage; but from the
facts related in Mr. Alexander Brown's book above
referred to this seems hardly likely. * Mrs. Robert
Rives died in her forty-fifth year on August 19,
1815. I shall give an account of the Cabell family
Mr. Robert Rives (according to Mr. Alexander
Brown) "was a small man about five feet nine
inches high, well set; very neat in dress; very
inquisitive and talkative; very polite; very hos-
pitable; very much respected by all who knew
him; and very much beloved by his slaves, of
whom he owned a very large number." He
1 The Cabells and their Kin (Boston, 1895), 216-219.
The Rives Family 5
died (according to the inscription on his tomb-
stone) on March 9, 1845, when he was within two
days of being eighty-one years old, and was buried
near his house, Oak Ridge, Nelson County,
Virginia, now the property of Mr. Thomas F.
Ryan. This house Mr. Rives built about 1802
upon land which his wife inherited from her
father. The house is still in existence, but has
been much enlarged by the present owner.
Robert Rives, by his wife Margaret Jordan
Cabell, had eleven children.
1. Landon Cabell Rives, born October 24, 1790,
married April 26, 1815, Anna Maria Towles of
Lynchburg, Virginia. He subsequently studied
medicine in Philadelphia, graduating from the
University of Pennsylvania in 1829, when he re-
moved with his family to Cincinnati, Ohio, and
died there June 3, 1870, at the age of nearly eighty
years. He had four children.
i. Margaret Rives, who married Rufus King
of Cincinnati and died without issue.
ii. Anna Maria Rives, who married Joseph
Longworth and had three children, viz.: Nicho-
las Longworth (1844 to 1890, whose son Nicholas
Longworth married Alice Roosevelt); Landon
Rives Longworth who died unmarried; and
Maria Longworth who married, first, George
Ward Nichols (by whom she had issue) and
after his death, Bellamy Storer (at one time
American Ambassador in Vienna) .
iii. Landon Cabell Rives, Jr., a physician
and surgeon in the Confederate States Army.
Genealogical Notes
He died of pneumonia during the war. He was
married, but seems to have left no issue.
iv. Edward Rives, also a physician and sur-
geon in the Confederate States Army and after-
wards a physician in Ohio, where he married but
died without issue. x
2. Margaret Jordan Rives was born at Union
Hill, January 9, 1792, and died January 17, 1862,
unmarried. Her mother having died when she
was twenty-three years old, she continued to
manage her father's household and resided in his
house after his death. Mr. Ryan, the present
owner of Oak Ridge, tells me that he lived in the
neighborhood when a boy and that he well remem-
bers Miss Margaret, generally called "Miss Peggy"
Rives, and her kind but masterful ways.
3. William Cabell Rives was born at Union
Hill, May 4, 1793. On March 24, 1819, he married
Miss Judith Page Walker of Albemarle County
(see Walker Family below), and my father was
their eldest son.
4. Lucy Shands Rives was born at Warminster,
Nelson County, Virginia, November 18, 1794, and
died March 30, 1872. She was married at Oak
Ridge on April 27, 18 19, to Alexander Brown, a
Scotchman. Of this marriage there were three
children, viz. :
i. Robert Lawrence Brown, who was twice
married and left eleven children, the eldest of
whom, Alexander Brown, was the author of the
1 For further particulars about Dr. Landon Cabell Rives and
his descendants see Brown, 403-406.
The Rives Family 7
book The Cabells and their Kin heretofore
referred to.
ii. Margaret Brown, who married Rt. Rev.
Richard H. Wilmer, Bishop of Alabama, and
had issue, — one of her sons being Dr. W. H. Wil-
mer, the well-known oculist of Washington, D. C.
iii. Elizabeth Brown, who married Rev.
Richard Kidder Meade, by whom she had ten
children. *
5. Paulina Cabell Rives, born March 11, 1796.
In March, 1814, she married Major Richard Pollard,
U. S. A., by whom she had nine children. One of
her sons was Edward Alfred Pollard, well known as
the Southern Historian of the Civil War. Mrs.
Pollard died in 1858 leaving a large number of
descendants surviving her. 2
6. Robert Rives, Jr., born May 17, 1798, and
married in 1841 Elizabeth Pannill of Virginia. He
held various local offices and died in 1869 leaving
one daughter who married and had issue.3
7. Henry Rives, born October 28, 1799, died
at Oak Ridge, October 16, 1833, unmarried. He
is said to have been a successful lawyer.
8. James B. Rives was born February 5, 1801,
and died July 25, 1 816. Of him I know nothing
more than above facts which appear on his tomb-
stone at Oak Ridge.
9. George Rives was born April 24, 1802. He
was twice married ; first, to Mary Eliza Carter who
died March 23, 1839, and second to Maria Farley
1 See as to the descendants of Mrs. Brown, Brown's The
Cabells and their Kin, 425-433.
2 For further details see Brown, 433-438.
J Ibid., 438.
8 Genealogical Notes
Tucker, a daughter of Professor George Tucker
of the University of Virginia. Mr. George Rives
died at his house " Sherwood, " Albemarle County,
Virginia, August 13, 1874. He left descendants by
both wives.1
10. Elizabeth Rives, born December 20, 1803,
died in infancy September 15, 1804.
11. Alexander Rives was born June 17, 1806.
He was a lawyer of distinction in Virginia and be-
came a Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals in
1856, an office he held, it seems, but a short time.
He was remarkable in Virginia as being a strong
Union man during the war and bitterly opposed to
secession. Shortly after the war he was appointed,
by President Grant, Judge of the United States
District Court for the Western District of Virginia.
He was twice married, first, to Isabella Bachem
Wydown, by whom he had ten children. She
died March 24, 1861. On May 29, 1862, he married
Sally Kearsley Watson, who survived him. He
died at Charlottesville, December 15, 1885, in his
eightieth year. 2
William Cabell Rives, the third child and second
son of Robert Rives and Margaret Jordan Cabell
his wife, was born at his grandfather Cabell's
house of Union Hill on May 4, 1793, and was
married, as above stated, to Judith Page Walker
on March 24, 1819. Through this marriage
Mr. Rives attained a local position of considerable
1 For further details see Brown, 439-422.
2 For further particulars as to the numerous descendants of
Alexander Rives see Brown, 442-446.
The Rives Family 9
consequence — his wife, who was an orphan, being
the owner of a large estate in Albemarle County —
so that by the time he was twenty-six years old
he represented what were regarded as important
interests in his part of the country. Previous to
his marriage he had studied law and had been
more or less under the guidance and influence of
ex-President Jefferson who, since 1809, had resided
continuously near Charlottesville. There is in the
possession of one of Mr. Rives's descendants a let-
ter of introduction (never presented) from Thomas
Jefferson to John Adams, in which he speaks of
Mr. Rives as "my young Sieve."
Mr. Rives in view of his position and education
rapidly assumed a conspicuous place in the politics
of that time. He first represented Nelson, his
native county, in the Virginia House of Delegates ;
and subsequently sat for Albemarle County, where
his wife's property was situated, for five years.
He was next, for six years, from 1823 to 1829, a
member of the U. S. House of Representatives;
and when Andrew Jackson became President of the
United States Mr. Rives was appointed Minister
to France, an office he held until 1832. When he
was presented at Court, Charles X. was still on
the throne, but soon afterwards the revolution of
July, 1830, broke out and Louis Philippe became
King of the French.
Immediately after Mr. Rives's return to Vir-
ginia in the Autumn of 1832, he was elected to the
United States Senate and remained there until
io Genealogical Notes
the end of Tyler's administration, March, 1845,
with the exception of a short interval. He had
resigned in 1834 because he was unwilling to obey
instructions of the Virginia Legislature in reference
to the restoration of the public deposits to the
Bank of the United States, but he was re-elected
in 1835 and again in 1839. J Although Mr. Rives
had been a strong Democrat, first under the influ-
ence of Jefferson and then as a follower and sup-
porter of Jackson, he became opposed to the
policy of the Democratic party adopted during
Van Buren's administration in reference to the
establishment of an Independent Treasury; and
he headed a small group who were more or less in
sympathy with Tyler's administration. Mr. Rives
opposed the annexation of Texas, and when Polk
was nominated as President professed himself a
Whig, and continued with that party as long as
it existed. In 1849 he was appointed by Presi-
dent Taylor Minister to France for a second time,
and continued there until General Pierce became
President in 1853. In 1861 he was one of the
five commissioners sent from Virginia to the so-
called Peace Congress, which met in Washington,
February 4, 1861. On July 20, 1861, he was
elected one of the members from Virginia to the
Confederate Congress and continued in that office
until the end of the war.
1 Political details as to the changes in representation of Vir-
ginia in the U. S. Senate during these years are set out at length
in Tyler's Letters and Times of the Tylers.
The Rives Family n
He died at Castle Hill, April 25, 1868, being then
just short of seventy-five years of age. He was
short in stature, "with a fair complexion, chestnut
hair, blue eyes, and handsome features." He
had a reputation in his day as an effective pub-
lic speaker, and left behind him a book, which was
not entirely completed at the time of his death,
The Life and Times of James Madison, con-
taining a valuable account of the Federal Con-
vention of 1787.
By his marriage with Miss Walker he left five
surviving children.
1. Francis Robert Rives (named after his two
grandparents Francis Walker and Robert Rives),
born at Castle Hill, February 16, 1822, married
May 16, 1848, Matilda Antonia Barclay. As to
them and their descendants see below.
2. William Cabell Rives, Jr., born at Castle
Hill, December 19, 1825; educated under succes-
sive private tutors or at private schools in France
and the United States; at the University of Vir-
ginia, 1 842-1 845; and at the Harvard Law School
in 1 845- 1 847, where he received the degree of LL.B.
He commenced the practice of law in Virginia, but
his legal career was interrupted by his marriage to
Grace Winthrop Sears of Boston, in May, 1849.
He died suddenly, and apparently painlessly, in
Washington, D. C, April 7, 1889.
His wife (Grace Winthrop Sears, born August
23, 1828), who survived him, was the daughter of
David Sears of Boston, Mass.
12 Genealogical Notes
William Cabell and Grace Winthrop Rives had
three children:
i. William Cabell Rives, born in Paris, France,
January 10, 1850; studied at Harvard College
and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and
subsequently became a physician. On April 29,
1876, he married Mary F. Rhinelander of New
York. No issue.
ii. Alice Rives, born in Boston, Mass.,
May 6, 1852, and died at Denver, Colo., March
29, 1887, unmarried.
hi. Arthur Landon Rives, born in Boston
November 6, 1853, graduated at Harvard College
in 1874, and afterwards studied law at the
Harvard Law School, but never practised the
profession. He died unmarried.
3. Alfred Landon Rives, born in Paris, France,
March 25, 1830, was educated at the Virginia
Military Institute and the University of Virginia.
In 1849 he went again to France with his parents,
entered the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees in 1851,
and graduated in 1854, with the extra distinction
of brillamment. Returning home in 1855, he
obtained a government position as a civil engineer
at Washington, D. C. He married, February 1,
1859, Sarah Catherine Macmurdo of Richmond, Va.,
who died at Castle Hill, October 7, 1909.
When the Civil War began, he became captain
of engineers, C. S. A., eventually rising to senior
colonel, and was for three years acting as chief of
the engineer bureau. After the war he carried on
his profession in Richmond; was employed as an
engineer by several railroads; and in 1873 became
chief engineer and general superintendent of the
The Rives Family 13
Mobile and Ohio Railroad, in which employment
he remained ten years, being promoted to vice-
president and general manager. He was vice-
president and general manager of the Richmond
and Danville Railroad from 1883 to about 1886.
In 1887, he was appointed chief engineer and general
manager of the Panama Railroad Company, a
position he held for about ten years. He died at
Castle Hill, February 5, 1903.
Col. Alfred L. Rives and his wife had issue:
i. Amelie Louise Rives, born 1862, who
married first John Armstrong Chanler of New
York; and second Prince Pierre Troubetskoy.
Has no issue.
ii. Gertrude Rives, born 1864, married Allen
Potts on October 17, 1896. Has issue, one son,
Thomas Rives Potts, born December 10, 1897.
iii. Sarah Landon Rives, born 1874.
4. Amelie Louise Rives, born in Paris, France,
July 8, 1832. She married, May 10, 1854, Henry
Sigourney of Boston, Mass. While on their way
to France, her husband, herself, and their three
youngest children went down at sea with the French
steamship Ville du Havre, November 22, 1873.
One son, who had been left behind, survived. He
was Henry Sigourney, Jr., born February 27, 1855;
married Louise Agnes Power, and died about 191 1,
leaving issue.
5. Ella Rives born September 15, 1834, died
April 12, 1892, unmarried.
Francis Robert Rives, the eldest son of William
Cabell Rives, was born, as above stated, at Castle
14 Genealogical Notes
Hill on February 16, 1822. He went with his
parents to France in 1829, and was educated there
and in Washington and Virginia. He entered
the University of Virginia, where he graduated
with distinction, and in 1842 was appointed by
President Tyler Secretary of Legation in London
— Mr. Edward Everett being then the American
Minister. Mr. Rives continued as Secretary
until the later part of 1844, when he resigned,
returning to the United States early in 1845. He
determined to establish himself in New York to
practise law; and there he met and married my
mother, Matilda Barclay, in 1848. (See below as
to the Barclay Family.)
He was associated for many years with the late
Alexander Hamilton (a grandson of Washington's
Secretary of the Treasury), with whom he re-
mained on the most friendly terms until his death.
The breaking out of the Civil War was very
intensely felt by my father, whose marriage and
residence of over fifteen years in the North had
created ties he could not break. At the same time,
almost all his own near relatives and early friends
were in the South and deeply involved in the
conduct of the war. The result was his withdrawal
from almost all social intercourse with his neigh-
bors in New York, and from the active practice
of his profession; and his absorption in the inter-
ests of his own family. Some years passed after
the war before he began again to take that part
in society for which his education and surroundings
The Rives Family 15
and his unusual charm of manner very well fitted
His singularly happy married life was terminated
by my mother's death on January 25, 1888, — a
blow from which he never fully recovered. He
aged fast afterwards, and died at Carnwath, which
had long been his country residence, on July 18,
1 89 1, in his seventieth year.
The descendants of this marriage were:
1. George Lockhart Rives, born in New York
City, May i, 1849, of whom hereafter.
2. Ella Louisa Rives, born in New York City,
March 8, 1851, married, January 7, 1875, David
King, son of the late Dr. David King a physician
of Newport, R. I., who was a son of another Dr.
David King and Ann Gordon, his wife. Mr. David
King's mother was Sarah Wheaton, daughter of
Rev. Salmon Wheaton, for thirty years rector of
Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., and of his wife,
Ann Dehon, a sister of Bishop Dehon of South
Carolina. David King died in Washington, D. C,
March 8, 1894, leaving issue:
i. Maud Gwendolen King, born October 2,
1876; married September 12, 1901, to E. Mait-
land Armstrong and has issue.
ii. Philip Wheaton Rives King, born June 12,
1879; married August 15, 1906, Gertrude Eliza-
beth Brown, and has no issue.
3. Francis Robert Rives, Jr., born in New York
City, January 28, 1853; married (first), April 29,
1879, Georgia Ann Fellows. She died January 4,
16 Genealogical Notes
1880. He married (second), August 25, 1887,
Frances Agnes Bininger, who is still living. He
died at Freehold, N. J., January 7, 1890, without
issue by either marriage.
4. Maud Antonia Rives, born at Carnwath,
Dutchess County, N. Y., July 17, 1855; married,
May 23, 1882, Walker Breese Smith, son of the
late William Henry Smith, of New York, and his
wife, Susan Walker of Utica, N. Y. Issue:
i. Evelyn Rives Smith, born June 15, 1888.
5. Constance Evelyn Rives, twin sister to the
above, married, June 24, 1884, John Borland, son of
Melanchthon Woolsey Borland of Boston and his
wife Julia Gibson.1 John Borland died April 17,
1893, at Washington, D. C, leaving issue:
i. Maud Rives Borland, born April 14, 1886.
ii. John Borland, Jr., born October 15, 1887,
graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy, and
was commissioned an officer of the U. S. Navy.
On May 1, 191 1, he married Erminie Marie
Clark, and has issue.
iii. Ella Aufrere Borland, born September
25, 1889.
6. Reginald William Rives, born in New York
City, May 18, 1861; graduated from Columbia
College, 1882. Received the degree of LL.B. from
Columbia College Law School in 1884, and was
admitted to the Bar in New York the same year,
but has never practised law. He married, June
1, 1887, Mary Caroline Bulkley, daughter of the
1 For further details see The Borland Family. By Constance
Borland. (New York, 19 11.)
The Rives Family 17
late Edward Henry Bulkley of New York and his
wife Catharine Wolfe Clark, daughter of Richard
Smith Clark of New York, by whom he had issue :
i. Helen Mildred Rives, born May 26, 1888.
ii. Reginald Bulkley Rives, born April 9, 1890.
Reginald William Rives obtained (in Nevada)
a divorce from his wife on September 26, 1912, and
he married (also in Nevada), Elizabeth (Struthers)
Taylor, on April 30, 1913.
George Lockhart Rives, the author of these
notes, was born (as above stated) on May 1, 1849;
graduated at Columbia College in 1868; entered
Trinity College, Cambridge, England, and grad-
uated there with mathematical honors in January,
1872; entered the Columbia Law School and
graduated in June, 1873; was admitted to the
Bar in New York in 1874, and subsequently
practised law. Received the degree of M.A.
from both Columbia College, N. Y., and the
University of Cambridge, England, and the
honorary degree of LL.D. from Amherst College
(19 10) and Princeton University (191 1). Was
assistant Secretary of State of the United States
from November 19, 1887, to March 6, 1889; and
Corporation Counsel of the City of New York
through the whole of the years 1902 and 1903.
Married (first) on May 21, 1873, Caroline
Morris Kean, the eldest child of John Kean of
Elizabeth, New Jersey, and Lucy (Halsted) Kean
his wife. (As to the Kean Family, see below.)
i8 Genealogical Notes
Caroline Morris (Kean) Rives died March 29,
1887, leaving one child.
1. George Barclay Rives, born at No. 147 East
2 1 st Street, New York, on June 19, 1874. He
graduated at Princeton University in the Class of
1896. He married, April 24, 1900, Elizabeth Emlen
Hare daughter of J. Montgomery Hare of New York.
She died July 24, 1900, without issue. Subsequently
George Barclay Rives entered the U. S. Diplomatic
Service, and was successively secretary of the Em-
bassies at Berlin, Vienna, and Rio de Janeiro. He
acted as Charge d' Affaires for long periods at the two
latter posts.
George Lockhart Rives married (second) on
March 20, 1889, Sara youngest daughter of
Augustus Whiting and Sarah (Swan) Whiting his
wife. (As to the Whiting Family, see below.)
Of this marriage there are two children.
2. Francis Bayard Rives, born at 12 East 37th
Street, New York, on January 11, 1890. He
graduated at Yale University in the class of 1911,
subsequently spent a year at Trinity College,
Cambridge, and then entered the Law School of
Columbia University.
3. Mildred Sara Rives, born at Rosevale, Narra-
gansett Avenue, Newport, on July 31, 1893.
Of the Cabell Family
The first member of this family who came to
America was William Cabell, a native of War-
minster in Wiltshire, England, near the borders
of Somerset. His father was Nicholas Cabell
of Warminster who married Rachel Hooper,
daughter of George Hooper of Frome, Somerset,
on November 15, 1697. '
William Cabell (above mentioned), who was
born March 20, 1700, N. S., is said to have been
a surgeon in the British Navy. He settled about
the year 1724 in Goochland County, Virginia,
near the James River, and not long after his
arrival in Virginia married Elizabeth Burks, who
died September 21, 1756. On September 30, 1762,
he married Margaret Meredith (widow of Samuel
Meredith), by whom he had no children; and he
died April 12, 1774. 2
By his first wife Dr. Cabell had six children.
1. Mary Cabell, born February 13, 1727;
married about 1744 William Horsley and died prior
to 1760, leaving four children surviving.
1 An account of the English family so far as can now be ascer-
tained, will be found in Brown's The Cabells and their Kin, 1-30.
2 For the various activities of Dr. William Cabell see Brown,
20 Genealogical Notes
2. William Cabell, born March 13, 1730, of
whom hereafter.
3. Joseph Cabell, born September 19, 1732;
married in 1752, Mary Hopkins. He died March
1, 1798, and his wife died July 12, 181 1. He left
surviving him five children.
4. John Cabell, born about 1742, married May
20, 1762, Paulina, daughter of Colonel Samuel Jor-
dan, who died July 31, 1781. On July 19, 1787, he
married Elizabeth Brierton Jones, who died October
16, 1802, without issue. By his first wife, John
Cabell had ten children. He died in 181 5.
5. Nicholas Cabell was born October 29, 1750,
and married Hannah Carrington on April 16, 1772.
He died August 18, 1803, and his wife died August
7, 18 1 7. There were ten children of this marriage.
6. George Cabell, who died young.
William Cabell the younger above mentioned
(who was born in 1730), raised a troop of cavalry
in 1754 and seems to have taken some part in the
French War. In 1756 he married Margaret,
daughter of Colonel Samuel Jordan by his first
wife Ruth Meredith, of which marriage there were
seven children. He was for several years a mem-
ber of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, was ap-
pointed Colonel of the militia of Albemarle County,
and was for many years active in various public
duties. In 1774 and the following years he was
much engaged in the Revolutionary proceedings
of the Colony, being a member of the Committee
on Safety of his County, a member of the Con-
The Cabell Family 21
vention which met in Richmond in December, 1775,
and a member of the Convention which met on
May 6, 1776. In 1777 he was a State Senator,
and throughout the Revolutionary War seems to
have continued active in the business of the State
and in helping to furnish men and supplies for the
Continental Army. He was a member of the
State Convention of 1788 and voted against
ratification of the Federal Constitution.
He died March 23, 1798, at his residence at
Union Hill in Nelson County, where he had an es-
tate of some thirty thousand acres. His wife, who
survived him, died at Union Hill in March, 18 12.
The children of William and Margaret (Jordan)
Cabell were:
1. Samuel Jordan Cabell, who was born Decem-
ber 15, 1756, and served through the greater part
of the Revolutionary War. He was for eight years
a member of Congress. On November 15, 1781,
he married Sarah Syme, who died May 15, 18 14.
He died August 4, 1818. By this marriage he had
nine children.
2. William Cabell was born March 25, 1759,
and was married on November 21, 1780, to Nancy,
daughter of Paul Carrington. During the Revolu-
tionary War he served with the local militia of
Virginia at Yorktown and elsewhere; succeeded his
father in the ownership of Union Hill and died
November 22, 1822. His wife, who survived him,
died March 30, 1838. Of this marriage there were
fourteen children.
22 Genealogical Notes
3. Paulina Cabell was born about 1763 and
married Major Edmund Read in 1782. Major
Read died in December, 1802, and there were no
surviving children of the marriage. At some time
about 1808 she married the Rev. Nash LeGrand,
but the marriage seems to have been unfortunate.
She died without issue February 5, 1845.
4. Landon Cabell was born about 1765 and was
an undergraduate at William and Mary College
in the Spring of 1781 when the college was closed
on account of the Revolutionary War. In 1794
he married Judith Scott Rose, of which marriage
there were five children. He died in January, 1834.
5. Hector Cabell was born about 1768 and
married about 1798 his first cousin Paulina, daugh-
ter of Colonel John Cabell. He died January 6, 1807,
apparently without issue.
6. Margaret Jordan Cabell, born December
25> ^T0. was married to Robert Rives, January
25, 1790. (See above under the Rives Family.)
7. Elizabeth Carter Cabell, born about 1775, was
married April 9, 1795, to her first cousin William
H. Cabell, son of Colonel Nicholas Cabell, by whom
she had three children. She died November 5, 1801 ,
and her husband subsequently re-married and had
numerous other children.
Of the Walker Family"
This family seems to have come from Stafford-
shire, England, about 1650. The first member of
the family whose name has been preserved was
Thomas Walker of Gloucester County, Virginia,
who was a member of the Colonial Assembly in
1662, but not much more is known of him, and
nothing appears to be known of his children. On
September 29, 1709, his grandson Thomas Walker
was married to Susanna Peachy, by whom he had
three children :
1. Mary Peachy Walker, born February 10, 1711,
was married May 24, 1732, to Dr. George Gilmer,
(whose family subsequently removed to Albemarle
County, Virginia), and died October 1, 1745. One
of their descendants was Governor Thomas Walker
Gilmer. 2
2. John Walker, born April 29, 171 1, was mar-
ried and left issue.
3. Thomas Walker, born in King and Queen
County, Virginia, January 25, 17 15.
1 The statements hereinafter contained in reference to this
family are taken principally from Genealogy of the Page Family
in Virginia, by Richard Channing Moore Page (2nd edition,
N.Y., 1893).
2 Governor Gilmer, when Secretary of the Navy, was killed
on board the U. S. S. Princeton, February 28, 1844, by the bursting
of a cannon.
24 Genealogical Notes
Little is known of this Thomas Walker's early
life, but it appears that he was educated at William
and Mary College and became a physician. In
1 74 1 Dr. Walker married the widow of Nicholas
Meriwether, whose maiden name was Mildred
Thornton. She was the daughter of a first cousin
of George Washington, and one of her attractions
was that she owned a large quantity of land in
Albemarle County, East of Charlottesville, where
Dr. Walker in 1765 built the house known then
and now as Castle Hill. J
In addition to his profession as a physician
Dr. Walker became a land surveyor, and is best
known to history as the earliest explorer of the
Western slopes of the Alleghanies. 2 In 1755 Dr.
Walker was commissary to the Virginia troops
which accompanied Braddock in his campaign.
In 1768 he was appointed a commissioner on the
part of Virginia to a Congress of the Six Nations
at Fort Stanwix, New York, where a treaty was
signed on November 5 in that year; and he was
again a commissioner to treat with the Ohio
Indians and was one of the signatories of the treaty
'Augustine Washington, the father of George Washington,
had a sister Mildred, who, in 1705, married Roger Gregory. Of
this marriage there was born Elizabeth Gregory, who married
Reuben Thornton; and their daughter was Mildred Thornton
(born in 1721 and married to Nicholas Meriwether in 1738),
who, in 1 741, when twenty years old, was a widow and married
Thomas Walker.
2 See First Explorations of Kentucky: Dr. Thomas Walker's
Journal (Louisville, 1898).
The Walker Family 25
signed at Fort Pitt in 1775. x In 1777 he was a
member of the Council of the State of Virginia,
and in 1779 was one of the commissioners to rim
the boundary line between Virginia and North
Dr. Thomas Walker's first wife Mildred Thorn-
ton died November 16, 1778, and was buried at
Castle Hill. He married secondly, about 1781,
Elizabeth Thornton (a first cousin of his first wife)
who survived him. There was no issue of the
second marriage.
Dr. Walker died November 9, 1794, being then
nearly eighty years of age. By his first marriage
he had twelve children. 2
1. Mary Walker, born July 24, 1742, married
Nicholas Lewis about 1760 and left issue.
2. John Walker, born February 13, 1744, and
married Elizabeth Moore about 1764. He served
in the United States army during the Revolution-
ary War, subsequently became a Senator from
Virginia, died December 2, 1809, and was buried
at his house at Belvoir in Albemarle County, Vir-
ginia. He left but one child, a daughter, who
married Francis Kinloch of Charleston, South
3. Susan Walker, born December 14, 1746,
married Henry Fry in June, 1764, and died leaving
1 See Report of a Treaty with the Western Indians (Madison,
Wis., 1908).
2 For further particulars as to this family see The Genealogy
of the Page Family in Virginia, 221-234.
26 Genealogical Notes
4- Thomas Walker, Jr., born March 17, 1749,
married about 1774, Margaret Hoops of Carlisle,
Pa., by whom he had a large number of children.
5. Lucy Walker, born May 5, 1751, married
about 177 1 her cousin Dr. George Gilmer of Pen
Park, Albemarle County, Virginia, and had nine
6. Elizabeth Walker, born August 1, 1753,
married about 1773 to Rev. Mathew Maury, by
whom she had nine children.
7- Mildred Walker, born June 5, 1755, married
about 1775, Joseph Hornsby, but died without issue.
8. Sarah Walker, born March 28, 1758, married
about 1778 to Colonel Reuben Lindsay and died
leaving two daughters.
9. Martha Walker, born May 2, 1760, married
about 1780, George Divers, and died leaving no
10. Reuben Walker, born October 8, 1762,
died in infancy, August 23, 1765.
1 1 . Francis Walker, born at Castle Hill, June 22,
1764, of whom hereafter.
12. Peachy Walker, born at Castle Hill Febru-
ary 6, 1767, married about 1787 to Joshua Fry of
Kentucky and left numerous descendants.
Francis Walker of Castle Hill, the eleventh
child and fourth and youngest son of Thomas
Walker, was born, as above stated, at Castle Hill,
June 22, 1764. In 1798 he married Jane Byrd
Nelson, the eldest child of Colonel Hugh Nelson
of Yorktown, Virginia, and Judith Page his wife.
(See below under the Nelson Family.) He in-
The Walker Family 27
herited his father's estate of Castle Hill upon the
latter' s death in 1794. He was a member of the
U. S. Congress from 1793 to 1795. He died
March, 1806, when about forty-two years old,
leaving surviving his widow and two daughters.
(He had also one son, Thomas Hugh Walker, born
in 1800 and died an infant in 1805.)
The eldest daughter of Francis Walker was
Jane Frances Walker, born in the Nelson house
at Yorktown on February 17, 1799, and married in
Richmond, Virginia, on December 12, 1815 (when
not quite 17 years old), to Dr. Mann Page of
Keswick, Albemarle County. Of this marriage
there were twelve children.
1. Maria Page, born December 14, 18 16, died
unmarried, June 15, 1837.
2. Ella Page, born September 18, 1818, died
unmarried, November 14, 1882.
3. Francis Walker Page, born December 17, 1820,
died July 12, 1846. He married Anna E. Cheseman
of New York.
4. Carter Henry Page, born November 21, 1822,
married Lelia Graham on November 24, 1857, and
left four children.
5. John Cary Page, born January 9, 1824, died
an infant in 1826.
6. Frederick Winslow Page, born November
20, 1826, married December 24, 1850, Ann Kinloch
Meriwether, by whom he had seven children. He
subsequently married a widow, Lucy Brand, by
whom he had no issue.
28 Genealogical Notes
7. Jane Walker Page, born October 18, 1828,
died unmarried January 29, 1845.
8. Mann Page, born May 1, 1831, married
May 15, 1855, Mary Anna Hobson and died in
November, 1864, leaving one daughter, who sub-
sequently married and had issue.
9. Charlotte Nelson Page, born March 25, 1832,
died in 1849 unmarried.
10. William Wilmer Page, born March 31, 1835,
died November 6, 1857, unmarried.
11. Thomas Walker Page, born April 18, 1837,
married May 10, 1861, Nannie Watson Morris, by
whom he had six children. He died June 5, 1887.
12. Richard Channing Moore Page, born Janu-
ary 2, 1841, married April 30, 1874, Mary Elizabeth
Fitch, widow of Richard Henry Winslow of West-
port, Connecticut, and died without issue, June
19, 1898. His wife survived him, and died February
25. 1905-
The second daughter of Francis Walker and
Jane Byrd Nelson his wife was Judith Page Walker,
born at Castle Hill, March 24, 1802. She was
married on her 17th birthday, March 24, 18 19, to
William C. Rives, to whom reference has already
been made. She resided at Castle Hill during the
whole of her life, and died there, January 23, 1882,
being then almost eighty years old.
Of the Nelson Family
The first of this family was Thomas Nelson,
born February 20, 1677, at Penrith, in the County
of Cumberland, England, the son of Hugh Nelson
and Sarah his wife. He emigrated to Virginia
about 1700, settled at Yorktown, and died there
October 7, 1745.
About 1 7 10 he married Margaret Reid, by
whom he had three children, viz :
1 . William Nelson (see below) .
2. Mary Nelson, born about 17 13, married
Edmund Berkeley about 1733, and had five children.
3. Thomas Nelson, born about 1716, married
Lucy Armistead about 1745, and died in 1782 at
Thomas Nelson the emigrant was married a
second time, about 1721, to Fannie Houston,
widow of a Mr. Tucker of Bermuda, by whom he
had one daughter, Sally Nelson, who was married
about 1742 to Colonel Robin Burwell and had
William Nelson, the eldest son of Thomas Nel-
son and Margaret Reid his wife, was born at
Yorktown in 171 1, and died there November 19,
30 Genealogical Notes
1772. Among other important offices, he was
President of His Majesty's Council in Virginia.
President Nelson married in 1738 Elizabeth
Burwell, only daughter of Nathaniel Burwell of
Gloucester County, Virginia, and Elizabeth Car-
ter his wife. She was a daughter of Robert
Carter of Corotoman (generally known in Vir-
ginian history as ' ' King ' ' Carter) , President of
the Colony of Virginia, and Judith Armistead his
first wife.
From the marriage of President Nelson with
Elizabeth Burwell there were the following six
children, viz. :
1. Thomas Nelson, a signer of the Declaration
of Independence, Governor of Virginia, etc., born
December, 1 738, died January 4, 1 789. He married,
July 29, 1762, Lucy Grymes, by whom he had eleven
2. Nathaniel Nelson, born about 1745, married
Jane Page, a daughter of John Page and Jane Byrd
his wife (see below), by whom he had issue.
3. Hugh Nelson (see below).
4. Robert Nelson, born about 1752, married
(first) Mary Grymes, who died leaving one daughter,
and (second) Susan Robinson, daughter of John
Robinson and sister of Colonel Beverley Robinson
of New York. Of this second marriage there were
eleven children.
5. William Nelson, born about 1754, married
(first) a Miss Taliaferro, by whom he had one
daughter, and (second) Abby Byrd, daughter of
The Nelson Family 31
William Byrd, the younger, of Westover, by whom
he had five children.
6. Elizabeth Nelson, married Captain Thomp-
son, R.N., and went to reside in England.
There were other children who died in infancy.1
Hugh Nelson, the third son of President Nelson,
was born at Yorktown in 1750, and died there
October 31, 1800. He married, about 1775, his
second cousin Judith Page, who was the daughter
of John Page of North End, Gloucester County,
Virginia, the second son of Mann Page and Judith
Carter his second wife (daughter of Robert Carter
of Corotoman).2
John Page in 1 746 married Jane Byrd, who was
one of the children of Colonel William Byrd of
Westover, by his second wife, Maria Taylor.
John Page and Jane Byrd his wife had fifteen
children in all, four of whom died infants. The
fifth surviving child was Judith Page, above men-
tioned, who was born about 1755 and married, as
above stated, Colonel Hugh Nelson, the third son
of President Nelson of Yorktown. The third
child, Jane Page, married Hugh Nelson's elder
brother, Nathaniel Nelson.
Colonel Byrd's youngest son, William, mar-
ried Mary Willing, of Philadelphia, and had
ten children, one of whom, Abby Byrd, married
1 See Bishop Meade's Old Churches, Ministers and Families
of Virginia (Philadelphia, 1878), i, 205.
2 See as to the Nelson family, Page's Genealogy, etc., 155-162;
and as to the Page Family, the same work, 1-65, 96-100.
32 Genealogical Notes
William Nelson, another brother of Hugh Nelson. r
Hugh [Nelson [and Judith Page, his wife, had
seven children.
i. Jane Byrd Nelson, born at Yorktown about
1776, married in 1798, Francis Walker of Castle
Hill. (See above, under the Walker Family.)
2. Lucy Nelson, born at Yorktown about 1778,
married May 16, 1798, to Edmund Pendleton, by
whom she had seven children.
3. Thomas Nelson, born at Yorktown 1780,
married in 1804 his cousin Judith, the youngest
child of Governor Thomas Nelson, by whom he
had nine children.
4. Nathaniel Nelson, born at Yorktown about
1786, married about 181 1 Lucy Mann Page, by
whom he had five children.
5. Carter Nelson, born about 1788, died un-
6. Frances Edmonia Nelson, born about 1790,
died unmarried.
7. Maria Nelson, born 1794 and burned to
death in the Richmond theatre fire, December
26, 1811.
'A genealogical table of the Byrd Family will be found in
The Writings of Colonel William Byrd, of Westover, in Virginia
Esquire (N. Y., 1901), 444-451.
Of the Barclay Family
It was long supposed that Thomas Barclay, who
was Rector of St. Peter's Church in Albany, was
descended from the Scotch family known as the
Barclays of Ury, but though some of that family
came to the United States, it seems clear that
Thomas Barclay was of a different family, as to
which little is known. * The earliest positive knowl-
edge in regard to him is that he matriculated at
the University of St. Andrews, February 25, 1684,
and was granted the degree of M.A. at that Uni-
versity, June 14, 1688. He was ordained Deacon
by the Bishop of London, May 22, 1707, and Priest,
May 31, 1707. Immediately thereafter he was
appointed chaplain of the garrison at Fort Orange
at Albany, which had recently been acquired
from the Dutch.
At Albany, probably soon after his arrival,
Thomas Barclay married Anna Dorothea Drauyer,
a daughter of Captain Andries Drauyer (a Dane
by birth, who had served in the Dutch Navy) and
Gerritje Van Schaick his wife. This Gerritje
Van Schaick — a daughter of Captain Goosen
1 The fullest account of this family is in The Barclays of New
York by R. Burnham Moffat (New York, 1904).
^ 33
34 Genealogical Notes
Gerritse Van Schaick by his second wife Annetje
Lievens — was born in 1657 and married Andries
Drauyer, January 17, 1674. On March 2, 1699,
Andries Drauyer and his wife joined the Dutch
Church in New York on certificate from Copen-
hagen; and on February 28, 1700, "Johanna"
Dorothea Drauyer likewise joined the Dutch
Church in New York upon a confession of faith
and belief.
The Rev. Thomas Barclay died somewhere
about the end of the year 1725 leaving four
1. Thomas Barclay, who appears to have died
an infant.
2. Henry Barclay, born about 17 12, of whom
3. Andrew Barclay, born October, 17 19, married,
June 14, 1737, Helena Roosevelt, daughter of
Jacobus Roosevelt and Catharina Hardenbroek
his wife. Andrew Barclay died June 19, 1775,
leaving ten children, viz.:
i. Thomas Barclay, who died unmarried.
ii. James Barclay, who married Maria Bever-
houdt and left numerous descendants.
iii. Henry Barclay, who died unmarried.
iv. John Barclay, who died unmarried.
v. Ann Dorothea Barclay, who married
Theophylact Bache and left fifteen children.
vi. Catharine Barclay, who married Augustus
Van Cortlandt and left descendants.
vii. Sarah Barclay, who married Anthony
Lispenard and left six children.
The Barclay Family 35
viii. Ann Margaret Barclay, who married
Frederick Jay, brother of the Chief Justice, and
died without surviving issue.
ix. Helena Barclay, who married Major
Thomas Moncrieffe, and died in 1775, leaving
one child, a son, who died unmarried.
x. Charlotte Amelia Barclay, who married
Dr. Richard Bayley, by whom she had seven
4. John Barclay, the date of whose birth is not
known, was Mayor of the City of Albany and
married, first, Gerritje Coeymans and, second, on
September 8, 1771, Margaret Ten Eyck. He died
early in the year 1779, having been a zealous sup-
porter of the Revolutionary cause. He seems to
have left no descendants.
Henry Barclay, the second son of the Rev.
Thomas Barclay of Albany, was born, as above
stated, about 17 12. He entered Yale College and
graduated there in 1734. After bjs return home,
he was appointed in 1735 Catechist of the Mohawk
Indians, and two years later was recommended to
the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel as a
person of good morals and learning. The Society
sent him to England, and he was there ordained
by the Bishop of London about the beginning of
the year 1738. Returning to Albany, he became
the third Rector of St. Peter's, and continued there
for eight years. In 1746 he was called to Trinity
Church, New York, and inducted as Rector on
October 22, 1746. In 1761 he received the degree
36 Genealogical Notes
of Doctor of Divinity from Oxford University.
He died August 20, 1764. '
On December 15, 1749, he married Mary Rut-
gers, the youngest daughter of Anthony Rutgers of
New York and Hendricke Vandewater his wife. 2
Mary (Rutgers) Barclay survived her husband
and died June 8, 1788, being about sixty-five
years of age. Of this marriage there were five
1. Thomas H. Barclay, born October 12, 1753,
of whom hereafter.
2. Anthony Barclay, born 1775, died August
23, 1805. He married Anna Lent of Long Island
and had one son, Henry Barclay, born April 3, 1794,
who married Sarah Moore, April 13, 1842, and
died March 21, 1863, leaving four children, viz.:
i. Henry A. Barclay, who married Clara 0.
Wright and had issue.
ii. Fanny M. Barclay, who married William
Constable, but had no issue.
iii. James L. Barclay, who married Olivia
Mott Bell, and on her death, leaving issue, mar-
ried Priscilla (Dixon) Sloane.
iv. Sackett Moore Barclay, who married
Cornelia Cochrane Barclay, as to whom see below,
and has five children.
1 A full account of Dr. Barclay's services in the Church will
be found in an article by the Rev. Joseph Hooper published in
The Church Eclectic, which has been re-printed by Mr. William
Barclay Parsons.
' See Moffat's The Barclays of New York, 103. Another ac-
count states that the mother of Mary Rutgers was Cornelia
(De Roos) Benson, the widow of Robert Benson.
The Barclay Family 37
3. Catherine Barclay died unmarried, probably
in infancy.
4. Cornelia Barclay who married, first, Stephen
De Lancey (see below), and after his death, General
Sir Hudson Lowe. T
5. Anna Dorothea Barclay, born January 21,
1755, married January 21, 1778, Lieutenant-
Colonel Beverley Robinson and died April 11, 1806.
Of this marriage there were ten children.2
Thomas H. Barclay,3 the eldest son of Henry
Barclay and Mary Rutgers his wife, graduated at
King's, now Columbia College, in the Class of 1772.
On October 2, 1775, he married Susan De Lancey,
daughter of Peter De Lancey of West Farms.
Some account of the De Lancey family is given
When the Revolutionary War first broke out
Thomas Barclay was living in what is now a part
of Ulster County, in the Wallkill Valley; but he
found it highly expedient to leave that part of the
country, and he took up his residence with his
family at or near Flushing, Long Island. On
April 10, 1777, he was given a commission as
1 Sir Hudson Lowe is best known as the jailer of Napoleon
at St. Helena. Lord Rosebery, in Napoleon: The Last Phase,
refers frequently to the charm and good sense of Lady Lowe.
2 As to the Robinsons and their numerous descendants see
Moffat, 1 1 7-1 18, etc.
3 It is uncertain what the initial "H" stood for. After his
marriage Colonel Barclay never used his middle name and he was
always known as Thomas Barclay. He is so recorded in the
catalogue of Columbia College.
38 Genealogical Notes
Captain in Colonel Beverley Robinson's Loyal
American Regiment, and was subsequently pro-
moted to be Major in that regiment to date from
October 7, 1777. '
Major Thomas Barclay served on the Loyalist
side in New York and South Carolina throughout
the war, and in the Autumn of 1783 he took up
his residence in Nova Scotia. His property in
New York had been confiscated by the act of at-
tainder of the New York Legislature of October
22, 1779. He first lived at Wilmot, Nova Scotia,
but later removed to the village of Annapolis. In
1793 he was made Lieutenant-Colonel in the Nova
Scotia militia, and about the same time became
Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province,
a post which he retained until 1799, when he
returned to reside permanently in New York.
The New York Legislature in 1792 had passed a
law permitting all the persons named in the act
of attainder of 1779 to return and reside within
the State. In 1796 Colonel Barclay returned to
New York on business connected (it seems) with
his mother's estate, and while there received a
commission appointing him the British Commis-
sioner to settle the boundary between the United
States and Canada under what was called the
Jay Treaty of 1794. This service required a good
deal of diplomatic management and much dis-
1 Lieutenant-Colonel Beverley Robinson, who married Anna
Dorothea Barclay, as above stated, was a son of the Colonel of
the regiment.
The Barclay Family 39
cussion of details; and under other commissions
relating to different parts of the Treaty of Ghent
(of 1815) Barclay was employed in relation to the
boundary question down to the year 1822.
On January 26, 1799, Colonel Barclay was
appointed British Consul-General in New York,
a position which he continued to hold until the
breaking out of the War of 181 2, and again for
some time after the Treaty of Peace in 1815.
After the Summer of 1799 Colonel Barclay and his
family continued to live in the City of New York,
with the exception of short intervals, until the
time of his death on April 21, 1830. l
By his marriage with Susan De Lancey (who
died May 2, 1837), Colonel Barclay had twelve
1. Eliza Barclay, born at Flatbush, L. I.,
December 3, 1776, died June 21, 18 17, married
June 16, 1796, to Peter Schuyler Livingston. Of
this marriage there were five children, two of whom
died in infancy. The fourth child, Schuyler
Livingston, born April 5, 1804, died December 2,
1862, leaving five children surviving him; one of
whom, Eliza Glass Livingston, born September
7, 1831, married her cousin William Barclay Par-
sons (see below).
2. Henry Barclay, born near Hell Gate, Long
Island, October 27, 1778, died at Saugerties, New
York, January 3, 1851. He married on August
1 See for further details Rives's Correspondence of Thomas Bar-
clay (N. Y., 1894).
40 Genealogical Notes
13, 181 7, Catherine, daughter of Robert Watts
of New York, who was born July 24, 1782, and
died, a fortnight after her husband, on January
17, 1851. Of this marriage there was no issue.
3. De Lancey Barclay, born near Hell Gate,
Long Island, on June 16, 1780, and died March 29,
1826. He entered the British Army, obtained a
commission in the Grenadier Guards, and was made
a C. B. for good conduct at the Battle of Waterloo.
He was married June 17, 1825, to Mary Fairfield,
widow of Gurney Barclay of the family of Barclays
of Ury, by whom he had one son who died shortly
after birth. This lady survived her husband and
subsequently married Rev. Dr. Steuart, Dean of
Windsor. She lived to a great age, and I remember
calling upon her in London in the Summer of 1868
when she had a house in Berkeley Square.
4. Maria Barclay, born near Hell Gate, Long
Island, on June 27, 1782, died at New York, August
7, 1862. She married in New York, on August
27, 1806, Simon Fraser, a resident of British Guiana,
Mrs. Fraser for many years lived on the Berbice
River in British Guiana and had several children.
One of her daughters married William Fyfe and
died leaving descendants.
5. Thomas Edmund Barclay, born at Annapolis,
Nova Scotia, December 4, 1 783. In 1 799 he entered
the British Navy as a midshipman and served
through the wars with France until 18 14 when he
was retired on half pay with the rank of captain.
On February 14, 182 1, he married Catharine Smith
Channing, by whom he had seven children, only
one of whom (Walter Channing Barclay) left issue.
Captain Barclay died January 30, 1838.
The Barclay Family 41
6. Susan Barclay, born at Wilmot, Nova Scotia,
February 5, 1785. She married on August 20, 1803,
Peter Gerard Stuyvesant and died without issue
surviving her on January 14, 1805.
7. Beverley Robinson Barclay, born at Wilmot,
Nova Scotia, December 22, 1786, died January
15, 1803, unmarried.
8. Ann Barclay, born at Wilmot, Nova Scotia,
December 9, 1788. She married on May 29, 1815,
William Burrington Parsons. Mr. Parsons had
been purser of H. M. S. Sylph which was wrecked
on the south shore of Long Island. The marriage,
it appears, was not approved by Miss Barclay's
family, so that they were married at the house of a
clergyman without the knowledge or consent of her
parents. The marriage, however, turned out well.
There were by this marriage five children, three of
whom died in infancy. The third child, Susan
Barclay Parsons, was married November 22, 1842,
to Montagnie Ward and died June 4, 1893, leaving
a number of descendants. The youngest child,
William Barclay Parsons, married, as above stated,
Eliza Glass Livingston, and died December 31,
1887, leaving four sons.
Mr. William Burrington Parsons died August 25,
1869; his wife Ann (Barclay) Parsons having died
shortly before, on June 20, 1869.
9. George Barclay, born at Annapolis, Nova
Scotia, July 4, 1790, of whom hereafter.
10. Anthony Barclay, born at Annapolis, Nova
Scotia, December 27, 1792. With George Barclay,
his elder brother, he was left behind at school a1f
Windsor, Nova Scotia, in 1799, being only seven
years old at the time, when his parents moved to
42 Genealogical Notes
New York. At some time before the breaking out
of the War of 1812 he went to England to complete
his education and study for the Bar. Later on,
about 1820, he was appointed British commissioner
under the sixth and seventh articles of the Treaty
of Ghent to ascertain the boundary between the
United States and Canada from a point on the
St. Lawrence River through the Great Lakes and
as far as the Lake of the Woods — an occupation
in which he was employed for several years. He
subsequently became British Consul in New York
but was compelled to retire at the time of the Cri-
mean War, owing to disagreements with the United
States Government in respect to the enlistment of
British soldiers in the United States. On October
17, 1 8 16, he married Ann Matilda Waldburg Glen
of Savannah, Georgia, by whom he had eight chil-
dren, some of whom died leaving issue. One of
his sons, Henry Anthony Waldburg Barclay, had
two children, — Henry A. W. Barclay, who died
unmarried, and Cornelia Cochrane Barclay, who
married her second cousin Sackett Moore Barclay,
mentioned above.
1 1 . Clement Horton Barclay, born at Annapolis,
Nova Scotia, August 3, 1796, and died there in
infancy, August 21, 1797.
12. Cornelia Elizabeth Stewart Barclay, born
at New York, May 23, 1801, and died an infant,
June 28, 1 801.
George Barclay, my grandfather, who was the
ninth child and fifth son of Thomas and Susan
(De Lancey) Barclay, was born at Annapolis,
The Barclay Family 43
Nova Scotia, as above stated, on July 4, 1790.
He was left at School at Windsor, N. S., when his
father removed to New York in 1799, on being
appointed H. B. M. Consul-General.
George Barclay came to reside in New York
about 1808, and entered into the employment
of his brother Henry. For some time afterwards
he seems to have been very unsettled in his plans,
and to have considered various ways of establishing
himself in business. He paid a visit to his sister
Mrs. Fraser in South America, he visited Nova
Scotia again in 181 1 , and he went to England about
18 1 5 apparently with the notion of finding occupa-
tion there. While at Cheltenham, then a fashion-
able watering-place in England, he met and
married on December 8, 18 18, Louisa Matilda
Aufrere, only daughter of Anthony Aufrere. (See
as to the Aufrere Family below.)
Mr. and Mrs. George Barclay soon after their
marriage came to New York, which was thence-
forward their home, and he entered into partner-
ship with his brother Henry in a foreign commission
business. The firm name was for many years
Henry and George Barclay, until Henry Barclay
(who was twelve years older than George) retired
from business. His place in the firm was taken
by his nephew, Schuyler Livingston (see above),
and the firm name was changed to Barclay &
About the first of January, 1854, George Barclay
having acquired what he considered a sufficient
44 Genealogical Notes
competence, retired from business; and in the
Spring of 1855 purchased the property known as
Carnwath in Dutchess County, New York.
After his marriage, he lived in Greenwich Street,
near his father. About 1836 he moved to a house
in Warren Street; and about 1846 he bought a
piece of land at the southwest corner of Washing-
ton Place and Mercer Street, then considered
very far up-town. The property adjoining on the
west was bought by "Commodore" Cornelius
Vanderbilt; and he and my grandfather built
houses which were, externally, exactly alike and
were no doubt designed and erected by the same
builder. These houses were each about forty-
five feet in width, and not unduly deep. In the
rear of his house, on Mercer Street, my grandfather
built a stable; while Commodore Vanderbilt's
stable was in the rear of his house, on Fourth
No. 8 Washington Place, my grandfather's
residence, was a roomy and well-planned house,
distinguished by a handsome hall and staircase,
and by two large drawing-rooms. The doors,
on the drawing-room floor, were of fine mahogany
and there were some striking marble fireplaces.
The doors and one of the fireplaces are preserved
in the house No. 69 East 79th Street. As I was
born in this house, and lived there (except while
at Trinity College) until my marriage in 1873, I
retain a most vivid recollection of its spacious com-
fort. It was sold in 1892, after my father's death.
The Barclay Family 45
My grandmother died at No. 8 Washington
Place on February 15, 1868, in her 76th year; and
my grandfather, died July 28, 1869, at Carnwath.
The only child of George Barclay and his wife,
was my mother, Matilda Antonia Barclay, who
was born December 7, 1824; married my father,
Francis Robert Rives (see Rives Family above),
May 16, 1848; and died at 8 Washington Place,
New York, January 25, 1888.
Of the De Lancey Family
As the name of this family indicates, it was of
French origin. The first of that name in this
country was Etienne or Stephen De Lancey, who
is said to have been born October 22, 1663, at
Caen in Normandy of a noble Huguenot family.
On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes he was
obliged to leave France and fly to Holland, whence
he went to England, where he was naturalized
on March II, 1686, and immediately afterwards
sailed for New York. He arrived here on June
7, 1686; entered upon mercantile pursuits; and
after having been an Alderman of the City, became
in 1 69 1 a representative in the Provincial Assembly
where he sat for nearly twenty-five years. He
was a vestryman of Trinity Church from 17 16
to the time of his death in 1741.1
Stephen De Lancey was married January 23,
1700, to Anne Van Cortlandt, a descendant of one
of the first Dutch settlers in this Province, daugh-
ter of Stephanus Van Cortlandt and Gertrude
Schuyler his wife.
» For the origin of the De Lancey Family see Note XLIX to
Jones's History of New York during the Revolutionary War, edited
by Edward Floyd De Lancey (N. Y., 1870).
The De Lancey Family 47
Of the marriage of Stephen De Lancey and
Anne Van Cortlandt, there were born ten children,
three of whom died in infancy. The surviving
children were:
1. James, born November 27, 1703, became
Chief Justice and Lieutenant-Governor of the
Province of New York. He married Anne Heath-
cote, and died July 30, 1760. He left a number of
descendants. One of his daughters married Judge
Thomas Jones of the Supreme Court of New York
who wrote an interesting Tory history of New York
during the Revolutionary War; and one of his
grandsons was the Right Rev. William Heathcote
De Lancey, Bishop of the Diocese of Western New
2. Peter, born August 26, 1705, died October
17, 1770, of whom hereafter.
3. Susanna, who married Admiral Sir Peter
Warren of the British Navy.
4. Stephen, born February 1, 1713, and died
unmarried in 1745.
5. John, born July 11, 17 16, who also died
unmarried in 1741.
6. Oliver, who married Philadelphia Franks of
Philadelphia. He entered the British Army at the
time of the French War in 1756, and was later made
a Colonel. He subsequently became Brigadier-
General, served on the British side during the
Revolution, and at the close of the war went to
England where he died in 1785, aged sixty-eight
years. The children of General Oliver De Lancey
were Susan, who married Lieutenant-General Sir
48 Genealogical Notes
William Draper; Charlotte, who married Field-
Marshal Sir David Dundas; Philadelphia, who
married Stephen Payne Galway; Anna, who mar-
ried Colonel John Harris Cruger; Oliver, who
entered the British Army in 1776, became Adju-
tant-General of the British forces in New York in
succession to Major Andre, and subsequently Lieu-
tenant-General; and Stephen, who was Lieutenant-
Colonel of New Jersey (loyalist) volunteers during
the Revolution and married Cornelia Barclay, a
daughter of the Rev. Henry Barclay (see above):
7. Anne, born April 23, 1723, was married m
1762 to John Watts, a member of the Governor's
Council, and died in 1775. .
Peter De Lancey above mentioned, the son of
Stephen De Lancey, the emigrant, and Anne Van
Cortlandt his wife, married Elizabeth Colden,
the daughter of Lieutenant-Governor Cadwalader
Colden and Elizabeth his wife (a daughter of
Colonel Thomas Ellison of New Windsor, N. Y.).
Of this marriage there were eight children:
1. Stephen De Lancey, who became Surrogate
of Albany County and married Esther Rynderts of
Albany. At the close of the Revolution he removed
to Nova Scotia.
2. John, who married Alida Wickham and left
one daughter, who became the wife of Joseph C.
Yates, Governor of the State of New York from
1822 to 1828.
3. Alice, who married Ralph Izard of South
Carolina and left issue.
The De Lancey Family 49
4. Elizabeth, who married John Cox and died
without issue.
5. Jane, who married John Watts of New York
and left issue.
6. Susan, who married Colonel Thomas Barclay
(see above).
7. Peter, who married Emily Beresford but left
no issue.
8. James, who married Martha Tippett of
Westchester. He, like his cousins, served in the
British Army during the Revolution; but after the
war was permitted to remain in the United States.
He died at an advanced age after having been
three times married. Apparently he left no
The De Lancey name in the United States is
now almost extinct ; but through marriages in the
United States and England, there are a number
of persons tracing their descent in the female
line from this family, which was so conspicuously
identified with the Colonial history of New York
throughout the eighteenth century.
Of the Aufrere Family
At the close of the Fifteenth Century, Etienne
Aufrere, of a family settled at Toulouse in Langue-
doc, in France, filled the important office of
President of the Parliament of Toulouse, and
published several Latin treatises upon the func-
tions and attributes of the Judges of different
Courts as well ecclesiastical as civil, a work which
is mentioned with applause by the French writers
upon similar subjects in the succeeding Century.
The family tradition is that Pierre, one of his
sons, quitted Toulouse and established himself
at Paris, where he occupied the Post of Procureur
du Roi au siege royal a Paris, an office similar to
that of our Solicitor General.
He married (but at what epoch is not known)
Claire Macetier, by whom he had a son called
Antoine, who succeeded his father in his office as
well as in an estate which the latter had purchased
1 This account of the Aufrere Family, and the account of the
Lockhart Family below, were written by my great-grandfather,
Anthony Aufrere, in 1830; and they are here reproduced from his
MS. in my possession, without verification and without material
alteration. A much fuller account of the early history of the
family by Charles Poyntz Stewart is printed in the Proceedings
of the Huguenot Society of London, vol. ix, No. 2. (1910).
The Aufrere Family 51
at Corville in Normandy upon which was an
ancient Castle. To this Castle and estate was
attached a Marquisate, and Antoine above men-
tioned is described as Marquis de Corville, Pro-
cureur du Roi au siege royal a Paris.
In 1574 he married Catherine LeClercs and
left a son called Antoine, who in 1622 married
Marie Prevot, and was father of another Antoine
(the first Refugee) who also exercised at Paris the
office of Procnreur du Roi. Being a zealous
Huguenot and a vigilant observer of the conduct
of the bigoted French government of that time,
he foresaw the persecution to which the French
Protestants would be exposed upon the revocation
of the Edict of Nantes, and prepared for his flight
to another country, by secretly disposing of as
much of his property at Paris and in Normandy,
as he dared offer for sale, and contrived to remit
the produce in safety to Holland. Of the amount
of it we are ignorant, but he must have been a man
of considerable wealth, since he sacrificed a con-
siderable part of his fortune to his religious opinions
and yet preserved so much of it that though his
eldest son lost several thousand pounds in the
South Sea scheme in 1720 and his second son was
very extravagant, and though the eldest son had
built a spacious house in Charles street, St. James's
square, he brought up a numerous family in the
best possible manner, and kept the best company
of that time. Charles street was then becoming
a fashionable place of abode, and in 1756 the
52 Genealogical Notes
house was very advantageously disposed of by
my Grandfather and his Son.
I am unacquainted with the date of the year
when the family fled from France to Holland, but
probably it was very soon after the revocation of
the Edict of Nantes in 1685; nor can I say how
long they remained in Holland nor when they
removed to England; but it must have been be-
fore the year 1701, for Antoine the Refugee died
in London on the 7th of September in that year.
By his wife, Antoinette Gervaise, to whom he
was married the 11th November 1664, he left
two Sons, the second of whom retained his French
appellation of Chevalier de Corville. He was a
thoughtless, dissipated man of pleasure, very
burthensome to his father and brother, and married
a low woman, by whom he had two daughters who
were entirely supported by the different branches
of the family. The surviving Daughter I remem-
ber to have visited between 1780 and 1785, several
times, in a small lodging in Berwick street, Oxford
street, London; and I think she died between that
period and 1790 at a very advanced age. She
was a person of ordinary appearance and manners
and of rather a weak understanding; but her
conduct was blameless, she was never troublesome
to her relations, and always seemed grateful for
their kindnesses.
Israel Antoine, the eldest son of the first Emi-
grant, and a Protestant Clergyman, was married
in Holland on the second of May 1700 to Sarah
The Aufrere Family 53
Amsincq one of the daughters of a Gentleman
belonging to a family of great distinction both
at The Hague and at Hamburgh, in both which
Republics they filled the highest posts. This
match connected the Aufrere family with the
Boreel and Fagel families so distinguished in the
annals of Holland.
Israel Antoine, more considerate and much less
vain than his brother, retained, upon his emigra-
tion, his family name, in preference to a foreign
title without an Estate, and as not suited to his
profession as a Protestant Minister of the Gospel.
It appears that the learning, piety and manifold
virtues of Israel, together with his persecution
by the Catholics, and his excellent delivery from
the pulpit, combined to draw upon him the notice
and good opinion of the Government and of the
heads of the Church; and it was not long before
he was appointed French preacher at the Savoy
Palace in the Strand, where was a Chapel which
was frequented by all the principal Refugees. He
was afterwards named Minister of the French
chapel at S' James's, which was resorted to by
all the foreign Protestants attached to the Court,
and often frequented by Queen Caroline, who was
wont to treat him with marked attention.
This estimable and conscientious Divine lived to
the great age of ninety-one and dying in London
the 4th of March 1758 was buried at Paddington.
By his wife, who died in 1754, he left the following
54 Genealogical Notes
I. Jeanne Aufrere, born 17 July, 1701, married
the Rev? Dr Regis of a French refugee family, and
Canon of Windsor, by whom she had three Daugh-
ters; one was married to Mr. Dawson an eminent
wholesale linen merchant in Cornhill London;
another to the Rev? Mr Potter of Wallsend, in
Northumberland; and the other to the Rev? Mr
Prior, one of the undermasters of Eton School.
i. M & Mrs Dawson left a son who in 1787
married his second Cousin Sophia Aufrere, my
ii. A daughter of Mr & IVP Potter married
the Revd Mr Buckham, Chaplain to St. George's
hospital, London, and had a son called Philip.
M'&M" Potter had several other children, but
I am unacquainted with their fates and fortunes,
which were assuredly not brilliant, for Mr Potter
had little more than his Curacy of Wallsend, &
his wife at each returning Christmas solicited
and tasted of my grandfather's bounty.
iii. Mr & Mrs Prior had two Daughters, one
of whom married the Rev Mr Goodall, one of
the undermasters of Eton school — afterwards
Doctor of Divinity, Provost of Eton and Canon
of Windsor; they have no children. The other
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prior married Mr.
2. Magdalene Aufrere, born 8th May 1703.
Married Samuel Grove Esqr Barrister at Law, who
had an appointment at Antigua. She died the 29th
of March 1729 in her 26th year.
3. Anthony Aufrere, born 25th June 1704. Edu-
cated at Westminster school, he continued his
studies at Oriel College, Oxford, took the degree of
Master of Arts, was ordain 'd in 1728, and soon
The Aufrere Family 55
afterwards presented to the Rectory of Heigham
near Norwich by his father's great friend Dr Wake
the then Archbishop of Canterbury. About the
same time he went over to Holland and married at
The Hague Marieanne de Gastine, daughter of the
Major de Gastine, a French refugee in the Dutch
service. By this lady who died soon after the birth
of her second child, he had a daughter, Susan, who
died very young, and a son, Anthony, my father,
of whom hereafter. My Grandfather, settling at
Norwich, there married, about 1740 M" Mary
Smith, widow, who eventually became entitled
to and possessed of the estates of her Uncle Giles
Cutting Esqr of Hoveton S1 Peter in Norfolk, who
died in the Fleet prison in London and left his
estate overloaded with debt. By great sacrifices
on my Grandfather's part, as well as by good man-
agement and frugality, he cleared the property of
incumbrances; and his wife, having no near rela-
tions, devised it to him and his heirs.
He survived his second wife near thirty years
and died at his house at Norwich the 22A day of
May 1 78 1 in his 77th year. He was much esteem 'd
for his piety, learning and good sense; and for his
affectionate, unvarying, and substantial kindness to
me, I never think or speak about him without per-
fect gratitude and tenderness.
4. Marieanne Aufrere, born 15th September,
1707, was married about 1730 to Doctor Philip
DuVal, a French refugee Physician, who had studied
under the celebrated Boerhaave, and was first
Physician to the Princess of Wales, mother of King
George the third. By this marriage Mrs DuVal
had two children, a daughter, Mary (who died long
56 Genealogical Notes
before her mother) and a son, Philip, my kind friend
and benefactor, who died in London the 14th of
March 1808 aged 76, leaving no issue by his Wife
Miss Ann George who survived him about seven
years. He was educated at Westminster, Cam-
bridge and Gottingen, took orders, was Subpreceptor
to some of the Royal family of England, and at the
time of his death was Dr of Divinity, Canon of
Windsor, and Vicar of Twickenham.
5. George Rene* Aufrere, born 7th November,
1715, married in 1740 Miss Arabella Bate, second
Daughter of Bate Esq1 of Foston-hall in
Derbyshire, by whom he had one Daughter, Sophia,
married in 1770 to Charles Anderson Pelham Esqr
of Brocklesby Lincolnshire, who in 1794 was created
Lord Yarborough. She died 25th January 1786
leaving the following Children.
i. Sophia Pelham, born 1775, married Dudley
North Esqr of Glemhall in Suffolk, in November
1802 — but has no children.
ii. Caroline Pelham, born 1777, married
October, 1797, R. Cary Elwes Esqr of Billings,
Northamptonshire, and died 1812 leaving one
son, married.
iii. Charlotte Pelham, born 1778, married
in 1804 to Wm Tennant Esqr of Astonhall,
Staffordshire, by whom she has several Children.
iv. Lucy Pelham, born 1779, died 1818,
v. Charles Pelham, born 1781, married 1806
Henrietta, only daughter of the Hon. I. Bridge-
man Simpson (by the sister and heiress of the
late Sir Richd Norsley Baronet) by whom (who
died 1813) he has a son born 1809 and another
in 1 812. He succeeded his father in 1823.
The Aufrere Family 57
vi. Arabella Pelham, born 1783, married
1802 Thos Heneage Esqr and has children.
vii. George Pelham, born 1784.
viii. Georgiana Pelham, born 1785, married
181 1 Bateman Dashwood Esqr of Well, Lin-
George Rene Aufrere, my great Uncle, father of
the above Sophia, died at Chelsea 7th January,
1801, in his 86th year; and his Widow at the same
place Ist Septr., 1804, in her 84th year.
I now come to treat of Anthony Aufrere my
Father, who was born February, 1730, married
on the 17th of February, 1756, Miss Anna Norris,1
and died at Hoveton the 1 1 th day of September,
1814, in his eighty-fifth year. His widow died
at the same place the nth of April, 1816, in her
eighty-second year.
Their children were:
1. Anthony Aufrere, born 30 November, 1757,
married 19 February, 1791, Marianne Matilda
Lockhart, only surviving daughter of the late
General James Count Lockhart of Lee and Carn-
wath in Lanarkshire (of which family hereafter)
by whom he had a daughter called Louisa Anna
Matilda, born the 17th Novr., 1792, and married the
8th of December, 181 8, to George Barclay Esqf of
New York (by whom she has a daughter Matilda
Antonia born 7th Deer., 1824), and a son George
Anthony, born 18th June, 1794, who on the 3rd
of September, 1828, married at Hamburgh Miss
1 For an account of the Norris Family, see below.
58 Genealogical Notes
Caroline Wehrtmann second daughter of John
Michael Wehrtmann Esqr. of that place and of
Osterrade in the Duchy of Holstein.
2 and 3. John and George Aufrere, twins, born
16 September 1758; the latter died the 29t.h of
the same month, and the former on the 28th of
February, 1759.
4. Anna Aufrere, born 3rd Octr., 1759, died at
Brawndale near Norwich, nth May, 1824, in her
65th year.
5. Susannah Aufrere, born 29th January, 1761,
died 19th May, 1768.
6. Sophia Aufrere, born 14th January, 1763,
and married May, 1787, to her second cousin
William Dawson (see above) by whom she has the
following children :
i. Sophia Dawson, born May, 1788.
ii. Harriet Dawson, born 1789; married 1812
to Charles Shard Esqr. of Lovelhill, Berkshire,
by whom she has one son, born 1826.
iii. William Dawson, born June, 1 790. Mar-
ried January, 1829, Miss Garrard of Lamers,
iv. Henry Dawson. In holy orders. Married
13th July, 1818, Julia, daughter of Sir Robert
Buxton Bart. She died 1825 leaving a son and
two daughters.
v. Frederick Dawson, a barrister at law.
vi. Caroline Dawson,
vii. Charlotte Dawson,
viii. Matilda Dawson.
7. Caroline Aufrere, born 21st June, 1764,
married April, 1802, to the Rev. Josiah Flavell, by
whom she has three sons (having lost a daughter
Agnes) as follows —
The Aufrere Family 59
i. Francis Flavell, born Sept. 10, 1803.
ii. John Webb Flavell, born April 11, 1806.
iii. Thomas Flavell, born August 27, 1809.
8. Harriet Aufrere, born 6th December, 1765,
married 16th December, 1788, to Robert Baker
Esqr., Barrister at law, and afterwards Knighted,
by whom she had the following children. *
i. Richard Baker, born 30th June, 1790;
educated at Eton and Oxford; ordained 18 14;
Chaplain to the British residents at Hamburgh;
married 17th August, 1824, Miss Fanny Prescott
by whom he has six children.
ii. Harriet Baker, born July, 1791. Married
3rd Sept., 1822, to the Revd Richard Bathurst
Greenlaw of Ealing, by whom she has children.
iii. George Baker, born 3rd May, 1795.
Captain in the Royal Navy. Married Jany. 17,
1827, Miss Elizabeth Octavia Harding of Baraset
House by whom he has (1829) one daughter.
iv. Fanny Baker, born June 30th, 1796.
Married Dec. 16th, 1818, to the Revd. Wm.
Greenlaw, brother to the above, by whom she
has six children.
v. Emily Baker, born Nov. 15th, 1797.
vi. Louisa Baker, born January 25, 1799.
vii. Marianne Baker, born March 31, 1800.
viii. William Way Baker, born 15 May, 1801.
ix. Henry Baker, born August, 1802.
x. Edward Baker, born June 29th, 1804.
xi. Charlotte Baker, born, October 30th, 1805.
xii. Caroline Baker, born February 23rd, 1807.
xiii. Charles John Baker, born July 27th, 1808.
9. Louisa Aufrere, born 29th December, 1767.
Married August, 1798, to Geo: Rowland Minshull
1 Lady Baker died in 1846, being over eighty years old. Beside
the thirteen children named below, it appears that she had three
more who died young, or sixteen children in all. — G. L. R.
60 Genealogical Notes
Esq. barrister at law (and afterwards one of the
Police Magistrates at Bow Street, London) by
whom she had one child born April, 1802. Mrs.
Minshull died 8th Decr 1829.
10. George John Aufrere, born 19th Septr. 1769.
Educated at Norwich and Cambridge; ordained
1 793 ; presented to the' livings of ^Ridlington and
East Ruston, Norfolk, by his cousin Charlotte
Laura N orris.
11. Charles Gastine Aufrere, born 18th Decem-
ber, 1770. Perished the 9th October 1799 off the
Coast of Holland on board H. M's Frigate Lutine,
of which this excellent and lamented young man
was first Lieutenant. :
12. Amelia Jane Aufrere, born 29th March
13. Thomas Norris Aufrere, born 5th November
1773. Went out to India as a Writer, 1792 ; visited
England upon leave, 1799; returned to India in
1800; was appointed Judge of a District there; and
finally quitted India and returned home in 1812.2
14. Philip DuVal Aufrere, born 7th April, 1776.
Curate of Smalburgh, 1800, having been educated
at Norwich and Cambridge. Married Miss Beevor,
daughter of John Beevor M.D. of Norwich, by
whom he had no children. Secondly Miss Smith
of Wells, by whom he has one child Philippa Norris.
Presented to the Rectory of Bawdeswell and Vicar-
1 The wreck of this vessel, which had a large quantity of
specie on board at the time of her loss, has lately been the sub-
ject of extensive and successful salvage operations by Dutch
wreckers. — G. L. R.
»Mr. T.N. Aufrere died in London in February, 1835. — G.L.R.
The Aufrere Family 61
age of Seaming in Norfolk by Sir John Lombe,
15. Maria Aufrere, born 20th April, 1779.
Married to Paul Squires of Norwich, Chymist and
Druggist, by whom she has no child.
Note. Anthony Aufrere, the author of the fore-
going account of the Aufrere Family, seems to have
been a man of literary tastes but chiefly addicted to
what used to be called "elegant trifles." He did,
however, edit and publish in 181 7 two large folio
volumes entitled The Lockhart Papers, containing
historical memoirs and letters written by members of
his wife's family, which are of considerable value for
the troubled history of Scotland in the eighteenth
century.2 He seems to have been restless and fond
of foreign travel — a taste which his wife, who must
have spent her earliest years in Austria and Tuscany,
probably shared. He and his family went to France
in 1802 and were among the English prisoners seized
by Napoleon at the rupture of the Treaty of Amiens
in May, 1803. They were in consequence forced to
spend eleven years in France chiefly at Verdun and
Mr. Aufrere died at Pisa, in Italy, on the 29th of
November, 1833, a day before his seventy-sixth birth-
day. His wife, who was nearly seventeen years his
junior, survived him nearly seventeen years, and died
1 Rev. Philip DuVal Aufrere died at Mundsley, in Norfolk,
June 4, 1848.— G. L. R.
2 The Lockhart Papers. . . . published from original MSS. in
the possession of Anthony Aufrere, Esq., of Hoveton, Norfolk
(2 vols., London, 1817).
62 Genealogical Notes
at Edinburgh September 14, 1850, also in her seventy-
sixth year.
George Anthony Aufrere, the son of the above, who
married Caroline Wehrtmann in September, 1828,
served in his younger days as an officer of the Ninth
Lancers in India and elsewhere. He paid a visit to his
sister, Mrs. Barclay, in New York, somewhere about
1825, and then after his marriage settled down and
lived in England, occasionally visiting German
For at least thirty years before his death, he lived
on Lake Windermere, near the village of Bowness,
where I visited him on many occasions. He died
May 6, 1881, leaving a will, in which I was appointed
one of his Executors.
Mrs. Caroline (Wehrtmann) Aufrere, when I knew
her, was well advanced in years. Her long residence
in England had made her a thorough English woman,
and I cannot recall a trace of German accent in her
speech. She possessed unusual charm, a genuine
kindliness to all about her, very considerable intel-
ligence, and a degree of patience that was often tried
by the vagaries of a hot-tempered husband. She
survived him four years, and died May 25, 1885. She
had no children. — G. L. R.
Of the Lockhart Family1
From various authentic documents still extant
as well in the archives of the family as in certain
public offices at Edinburgh, it is ascertained that
about the year 1153, in the reign of Malcolm the
fourth, there lived in Lanarkshire one Stephen
Loccard who probably was a man of figure and
condition, inasmuch as he was a witness to a
charter granted by the Constable of Scotland,
which exists in the Earl of Loudon's family muni-
ments. The next in succession was Simon Loccard
denominated of Lee, in the County of Lanark, in
a transaction between him and the Abbot of Kelso,
in the Advocates' library at Edinburgh; and in
which he is called Sir Simon. To him succeeded
his son Malcolm whose son Simon was knighted by
King Alexander the third, and is mentioned in two
deeds dated 1273 and 1281, relative to the pre-
sentation to the living of Simonton.
In 1306 Stephen Loccard did homage to King
Edward the First of England for lands holden by
him in the Shire of Edinburgh, called Craigloccard,
which continued to belong to the house of Lee
until about 160 years since. To this Stephen
1 Written by Anthony Aufrere. See note on page 50 above.
64 Genealogical Notes
succeeded Sir Malcolm, who flourished under
David the Second and Robert the First, and was
succeeded by Sir Simon who appears, by different
documents, to have been a great pecuniary friend
to the monks, and who in 1323 gave a bond of
annuity in silver money of £10 to Sir William de
Lindsay, Prior of Ayr, who had lent him a sum
of money to equip him for an expedition to the
Holy Land with the heart of King Robert Bruce,
which was borne by a Douglas, to whom Sir
Simon was next in command. But passing
through a part of Spain in order to embark for the
Holy Land, they were attacked by the Saracens,
when Douglas being slain, the command devolved
on Sir Simon Loccard, who finding it impossible
to proceed to Jerusalem, returned to Scotland and
caused the heart of Robert Bruce to be deposited
in the Abbey of Melrose. In remembrance of this
adventure, Sir Simon took occasion to change his
name from Loccard to Lockhart — added to his
arms a heart within a lock — assumed the motto
of Corda serata pando — and was allowed to take
as supporters (the right only of chiefs of families)
a man armed cap a pied in compleat ancient
armour, with a heart round his neck, and a wild
To this Sir Simon succeeded Alexander, who had
a Son called Allan who was in favour with James
the Third who conferred upon him the honour of
Knighthood. He married Margaret Daughter of
John Lockhart of Bar in Ayrshire, by whom he had
The Lockhart Family 65
a son styled Sir James Lockhart of Lee who died in
1502, leaving a son Allan who was slain at the
battle of Pinky, 10th September, 1547, fighting for
Queen Mary against the English. By his wife,
of the house of Carmichael, he left a son James,
who by Janet Hamilton of Dalserf left a son also
called James, who was a man of great parts and
application, and in much favour with King James
the Sixth, both before and after his succession to
the Crown of England, and received the honour
of Knighthood.
By his wife Elizabeth Weir of Stonebyres, Sir
James left a son called also James, who was a
gentleman of excellent natural parts which he
improved and cultivated both at home and abroad.
After his return from his travels he passed some
time at the Court of King Charles the First, where
by his good breeding and behaviour he quickly
grew to be very acceptable to his Royal Master
and into general esteem with the Court, in so
much that his Majesty in a short time made him a
Knight and one of the Gentlemen of his Bed-
chamber. But after some years' stay at Court,
having a genius more turned towards industry
in business than was generally practised there, he
returned to his seat in the country, and soon be-
came famed for his prudent management and
frugal conduct, by which means he not only added
a great deal to the estate of his family but provided
well for his other children. Upon the fame of his
great endowments and of his being deemed fully
66 Genealogical Notes
qualified for sitting as a Judge in the Courts of
Session, he was appointed one of the Senators of
the College of Justice in 1646, and discharged his
office with learning and integrity, under the appel-
lation of Lord Lee. He continued firmly attached
to the house of Stuart under all its disasters, but
whilst employed in raising levies for the support
of King Charles, he and several other Gentlemen
were surprized near Dundee, in 165 1, and conveyed
by sea to London where Lord Lee was confined in
the Tower for six years, and only obtained his
liberty through the urgent entreaties of his eldest
son the famous Ambassador and General Sir
William Lockhart who had married a niece of
Oliver Cromwell's and was high in his favour as
an officer.
James Lord Lee married Margaret, Daughter of
Sir George Douglas of Mordington, Gentleman of
the Bedchamber to King James the First, and left
three sons, the eldest of which, William, is men-
tioned in preceding paragraph, who by his Wife
Robina Sewster had male issue; but that failing
after two or three Generations, the Estate of Lee
fell, by virtue of strict entails, to the male descen-
dant of the Lord Lee's second son Sir George
Lockhart, Lord President of the Court of Session
in Scotland, who purchased the Carnwath Estate
in Lanarkshire, once the domain of the Dalzells,
Earls of Carnwath. This Lord President was
murdered at Edinburgh at noonday on Easter
Sunday, 1688, by one Cheesely of Dairy on
The Lockhart Family 67
account of his dissatisfaction with the Lord
President's Judgment in a cause between Cheesely
and his Wife.
The third son of James Lord Lee above men-
tioned was also a Lord of Session, was made a
Baronet, and left issue. One of his descendants
was the well known and gallant Admiral Sir John
Lockhart, who added to his family name that of
Ross on inheriting the estates of Ross of Balnago-
wan ; and young Sir Charles Ross Baronet grand-
son of the Admiral, is now the representative of
the branch of Lockhart of Carstairs.
Sir George Lockhart the Lord President married
the Honble Philadelphia Wharton, youngest daugh-
ter of Philip fourth Lord Wharton, and by her
had two sons George and Philip; which last was
shot as a rebel at Preston in Lancashire in 1715
when the Scotch made an attempt in favour of the
house of Stuart.
George, eldest son of the Lord President, married
the Lady Euphemia Montgomery one of the many
Daughters of Alexander ninth Earl of Eglinton,
by whom he had several Children. By this
marriage the family became connected with the
most noble houses in Scotland, all the daughters
of the above Alexander Earl of Eglinton having
been married to Scotch noblemen.
This George Lockhart, well known as the Author
of "Memoirs of Scotland" and as the strenuous
opposer of the Union, was a member of the last
Scotch and first British parliaments, in which he
68 Genealogical Notes
distinguished himself by his eloquence, his talents,
his strict integrity and admirable perseverance in
what he thought a patriotic and just cause. His
undisguised and steady attachment to the fallen
house of Stuart was very injurious to his fortune,
and subjected him to persecution from the suc-
cessors of Queen Anne. He was a man of so
much weight and consideration that nothing was
omitted to induce him to support the Union; but
he resisted all the arguments & persuasions of his
Uncle Ld Wharton backed by ministerial offers
of Titles, Offices & Pensions.
By his wife, Lady Euphemia Montgomery,
Mr. Lockhart left fifteen children, of some of whom
there is the following account.
i. George, born 1700. Died 1761. By his
marriage with Fergusia only Child and Heiress of
Sir George Wishart Baronet, of Clifton Hall,
Linlithgowshire, he had several Children, who will
be mentioned in succession.
2. Alexander, bred to the Scotch Bar, and a Lord
of Session with the title of Lord Covington. He
left a son, Rear Admiral Wm Lockhart, who married
Miss Henderson, and dying left a Daughter married
to the Count Riario Sforza, and a son, Alexander,
a Clergyman of the Church of England, twice
married and has children. In case of failure of
male issue in Sir Charles Lockhart and his two
Brothers and in Mr Norman Lockhart, their uncle,
the Estates descend to this Revd Alex- Lockhart
and his sons.
The Lockhart Family 69
3. Euphemia, born 1703. Married to John 6th
Earl of Wigton, but left no issue.
4. Grace, born 1706, married first to John 3d
Earl of Aboyne by whom she had several Children,
and secondly to James seventh Earl of Moray by
whom she had Francis the eighth Earl.
5. James, born 1707. Died 1749. L' Col1 of
Hacket's regiment in the Dutch service.
6. Mary, born 1718. Married to John Rattray
Esqr and died in 1805 aged 87 leaving one Daughter,
We now proceed to George, son of the above, and
married to Fergusia Wishart, by whom he had the
following Children:
1 . George, born 1 726. He was a strenuous active
adherent to the house of Stuart; took a decided
conspicuous part in 1745, when he joined the army
of Prince Charles at Falkirk, fought at the battle
of Culloden, and escaped to France, where he died,
unmarried, in 1761 in the lifetime of his Father,
a most fortunate event for the family, as, in case he
had survived his Father, the Estates would have
been confiscated. He had rendered himself so
obnoxious to King George the Second, that by the
King's express order, he was excepted out of every
act of amnesty that was granted during that reign.
The Estates devolved on his brother
2. James, after their father's decease, of whom
3. Clementina, born 1730; married her Cousin-
German the Honble Col1 John Gordon, younger
son of John 3d Earl of Aboyne by Miss Grace
70 Genealogical Notes
Lockhart. By this marriage she had four Children,
none of whom had any issue except Grace, married
to Wm Graham Esq' of the Mossknow near Gretna
Green, by whom she has a son and two daughters.
Clementina above mentioned died 1803.
I now go back to James, mention'd above as
heir to his Father George. At an early age he
was an officer in Hacket's regiment in the Dutch
service, of which his Uncle James was Ll Colonel.
From thence he went into the regiment of Waldeck,
in the service of the Empress Maria Theresa, and
was present at several of the great battles fought
during the seven years War (from 1756 to 1763)
between the Austrian and Prussian armies. His
gallant and eminent services are specified in the
Patent by which the Empress Queen raised him
to the dignity of a Baron of the Holy Roman
Empire, reversible to all his Descendants, male and
female, in perpetuity. He was also decorated with
the military order of Maria Theresa.
Having passed through the various Grades of
the Army, he was by Joseph the Second promoted
to the rank of General, named one of his Chamber-
lains, and honoured with the title of Count of the
Empire, which was limited to his Children of both
sexes, with remainder only to the male heirs of
his son. '
General Count Lockhart married three times.
* He seems to have been attached in his later years to the
household of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. — G. L. R.
The Lockhart Family 71
His first Wife was his distant cousin Miss Matilda
Lockhart of Castlehill, by whom he had one daugh-
ter, Maria Theresa, married in 1788 to Sir Cha-S
Lockhart Ross Bar1 (of the branch of Lockhart
of Carstairs, a younger son of the house of Lee)
by whom she had a son who died in infancy, and
a daughter Matilda, who was married about 18 12
to Captn Sir Thos Cochrane R. N. and died in
18 19 leaving four children.
The second wife of General Lockhart was
Miss Murray of Belridding near Annan, by whom
he had one surviving son Charles, and one daughter
Matilda, born the 15 October, 1774, married to
A. Aufrere Esqr. l
The General's third wife was Miss Craufurd by
whom he had one Son, James, who died in infancy
at Pisa, in April 1790, where his Father also
expired the preceding February.
Charles, the General's only surviving son, died
unmarried in August, 1802, whereupon the Estates
devolved upon the issue of the General's brother
Charles, youngest son of Geo : & Fergusia Lockhart.
This Charles married Miss Macdonald of Largie,
in Argyleshire, and died at Bath, in February, 1796.
He had several Children of both sexes, of whom
many died unmarried. I shall therefore only
speak of the following:
1 . Clementina.
2. Matilda, married to Campbell, Esqr of
■ See account of the Aufrere Family above.
72 Genealogical Notes
Saddale in Argyleshire. They both died in 1798
leaving an only son, about a year old.
3. Charles Sarah died in March — 1774-
4. James, an Ensign in the 37th Regiment,
killed at Dunkirk in 1793: was heir to his mother
on her death.
5. Alexander. Succeeded to the Largie Estates
on the death of his abovemention'd brother James,
and to the Estates of Lee & Carnwath upon the
death of his Cousin-German Charles, in August,
1802. In 1806 he was created a Baronet of Great
Britain. In 1798 he married Miss Jane M'iNiel of
Giga, and on the 22d of July, 18 16, he died at
Inverary, in Argyleshire, in consequence of a fall
from his Barouche box. He had several children.
6. Norman, married in 1806 Miss Phillis
Macmurdo of Dumfries, who died in 1826 leav-
ing several sons and daughters. 1
1 One of the daughters of this Mr. Norman Lockhart was my
old friend Miss Philadelphia Lockhart, who lived very inde-
pendently on a small fortune of her own, and died at a great age
near London, about 1895. — G. L. R.
Of the Kean Family
The first of this family of whom I know anything
was John Kean, born about 1756 at Beaufort,
South Carolina. His father came from the West
Indies and is said to have been of Scottish descent.
This John Kean, about the close of the Revolu-
tionary War, was elected a member of the Conti-
nental Congress; and he later became the first
cashier of the Bank of the United States in Phila-
delphia. While in New York, he met and married,
on September 27, 1786, Susan Livingston, a
daughter of Peter Van Brugh Livingston.
The genealogy of the Livingstons is well known.
Robert Livingston, the founder of this branch of
the American family, was born in Scotland, came
to America about 1674, and died in 1728. He
married Alida Schuyler, daughter of Philip Schuyler
(and widow of the Rev. Nicholas Van Rensselaer)
by whom he had three children. The eldest
child was Philip Livingston, born in Albany in
1686, who died in New York in February, 1749.
He married Catherine Van Brugh by whom he
had numerous children.
One of his sons, Peter Van Brugh Livingston,
above mentioned, was a merchant in the city of
74 Genealogical Notes
New York. He married Mary Alexander (a
sister of Lord Stirling of the Revolutionary Army) ,
by whom he had eleven children. Upon her death
he married Mrs. Ricketts, a widow, by whom he
had no children.
Susan Livingston, daughter of Peter Van Brugh
Livingston and Mary Alexander his wife, was
married in 1786, as above stated, to John Kean,
and had one son Peter Philip James Kean, born
February 27, 1788. After her husband's death
in Philadelphia on May 4, 1795, she married
Gourrt Julian Niemcewicz, a Polish gentleman of
good family, by whom she had no issue.
Peter Philip James Kean, the son of John and
Susan (Livingston) Kean on February 18, 18 13,
married Sarah Sabina Morris, daughter of General
Jacob Morris (an officer of the Revolutionary
Army, born December 28, 1756, died January 10,
1844), and Mary Cox of Philadelphia, his wife.
The father of Jacob Morris was Lewis Morris, one
of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
The children of Peter and Sarah (Morris) Kean
1. John Kean, of whom hereafter.
2. Julia, born December 17, 18 16, married
Hamilton Fish (afterward Governor of the State
of New York and Secretary of State of the United
States from 1873 to 1881) by whom she had seven
3. Christine, born October 3, 1826, married
Captain William Preston Griffin, U.S.N. No issue.
The Kean Family 75
John Kean, the only son and eldest child of
Peter Kean, was born near Elizabeth, New Jersey,
March 27, 1814. The house in which he was born
had originally been built about 1772 by William
Livingston, the well-known Governor of New
Jersey, who was a brother of Peter Van Brugh
Livingston. This property was sold after the
Revolution by Governor Livingston, and was
purchased by his niece, the first Mrs. John Kean
(Countess Niemcewicz). Originally known as
Liberty Hall, it was renamed Ursino after Niemce-
wicz's estate in Poland — a name it still bears;
and in this house Mr. Kean continued to reside
during the whole of his life.
On January 13, 1847, he married Lucy Halsted,
the eldest daughter of Caleb O. Halsted (for
many years President of the Bank of America
in New York) and Carolina Louise Pitney his wife.
Mr. Kean died January 17, 1895, in his eighty-
first year; and his wife died March 9, 191 2.
Of this marriage there were nine children.
1. Caroline Morris Kean, born July 27, 1849,
married on May 21, 1873, to George Lockhart
Rives (see Rives Family above) and died March
29, 1887, leaving one child, George Barclay
2. Susan Livingston Kean, born January 12,
1852. <t>J
3. John Kean, born December 4, 1852. For
twelve years, from 1899 to 191 1, he was U. S.
Senator from New Jersey.
76 Genealogical Notes
4. Julian Halsted Kean, born April 24, 1854. /c^v*w
5. Christine Griffin Kean, born January 22,
1858, was married October 4, 1883, to William
Emlen Roosevelt (a first Cousin of President Theo-
dore Roosevelt), son of James Alfred Roosevelt of
New York; by whom she had issue as follows:
i. Christine Kean Roosevelt, born August
3, 1884, married December 28, 1909, to Captain
James E. Shelley, U. S. A., and died without issue
February 10, 1913.
ii. George Emlen Roosevelt, born October
13, 1887.
iii. Lucy Margaret Roosevelt, born Novem-
ber 7, 1888.
iv. John Kean Roosevelt, born September
22, 1889.
v. Philip James Roosevelt, born May 15, 1892.
6. Lucy Halsted Kean, born December 22, 1859.
7. Hamilton Fish Kean, born February 27, 1862,
married January 12, 1888, Katherine Winthrop,
daughter of Robert Winthrop and Katherine Taylor,
his wife. Of this marriage there are two sons:
i. John Kean, born November 22, 1888.
ii. Robert Winthrop Kean, born September
28, 1893.
8. Elizabeth d'Hauteville Kean, born February
2, 1864. t-;
9. Alexander Livingston Kean, born March
12, 1866.
Of the Whiting Family
The name of Whiting is very widely known in
New England, there having been two or three
early emigrants of that name, whose descendants
are extremely numerous. I cannot, with any
certainty, identify William Whiting of Westford,
Massachusetts, with whom we are here concerned,
among all the persons of the same name mentioned
in New England genealogies. What is definitely
known of him is that he was not a native of West-
ford, that he came there to live late in the eighteenth
century, and that he is described in a deed as
"late of Harvard." He at one time owned land
in Vermont; and he first bought land in West-
ford in the year 1791.
From the inscription on his tombstone, he was
born September 28, 1762, and died April 19, 1828,
in his sixty-sixth year.
Possibly he should have been described as
''late of Hartford," not "Harvard." Harvard
is a town in Worcester County, Massachusetts,
not far from Westford, and the similarity in the
names of Harvard and Hartford may have misled
the scrivener who wrote the deed above mentioned.
If William Whiting of Westford came from Hart-
ford, Connecticut, he may have been the son of
78 Genealogical Notes
William Whiting, a physician of Hartford (born
1730, died 1793 in Great Barrington, Massachu-
setts) who had a son William (said to have been
born in Hartford on November 7, 1764) of whom
nothing further appears to be known. These
dates of birth (Sept. 28, 1762, and Nov. 7, 1764)
are, of course, irreconcilable; but it is possible
that one or other is incorrect. x
However this may be, it is known that William
Whiting of Westford, on December 17, 1786, mar-
ried Lucy Hildreth, daughter of Zechariah Hildreth
(born 1728) and Elizabeth Prescott his wife.
The Hildreth family is also a widely scattered
family of New England. They were all descended
from a certain Richard Hildreth, who came to
Massachusetts from England in 1643, settled at
Dracut near Westford, and had seven children.
His son (or perhaps grandson), James Hildreth,
was the father of the above-named Zechariah.2
Lucy (Hildreth) Whiting was born January 18,
1765, and was therefore not quite twenty-two
years old when she was married. She died May
6, 1845, in her eighty-first year.
* See as to the Whitings of Hartford, Conn., Genealogical Notes;
or, Contributions to the Family History of Some of the First Settlers
of Connecticut and Massachusetts, by Nathaniel Goodwin (Hart-
ford, 1856), p. 339.
3 As to the Hildreth Family see The Early Hildreths of New
England, by Arthur Hildreth (Boston, 1894); also Origin and
Genealogy of the Hildreth Family, by Philip (Hildreth) Reaed
(Lowell, 1892); and History of the Town of Westford, by Edwin
Ruthven Hodgman (Lowell, 1883).
The Whiting Family 79
Of her marriage to William Whiting there were
born six children, viz.:
1. William Whiting, Jr., born June 27, 1787,
and died April 14, 1828, apparently unmarried.
2. Augustus Whiting, born April 2, 1795, and
died an infant.
3. Augustus Whiting, born July 7, 1796, of
whom hereafter.
4. Isaac N. Whiting, born December 2, 1798.
He married and removed to Columbus, Ohio, where
he died August 23, 1880, leaving issue.
5. Alonzo Whiting, born August 18, 1802, and
died in infancy.
6. Alonzo Whiting, born September 23, 1804,
and died April 14, 1828, unmarried.
Augustus Whiting, above mentioned, resided for
some years in New Orleans where he was engaged
in business and acquired considerable property.
On October 19, 1843, he married Sarah Swan,
daughter of Gustavus Swan of Columbus, Ohio,
and Amelia his wife ; subsequently resided in New
York and Newport, R. I. ; and died in New York
January 12, 1873, m the seventy-seventh year
of his age.
The Swan family, into which Augustus Whiting
married, originally came from the Town of Peter-
borough, in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. *
The first of that name was John Swan, who is
1 See History of Peterborough, by Albert Smith (Boston, 1876).
80 Genealogical Notes
said to have married in Ireland, and who may
therefore have been of Irish birth. He settled
in Peterborough (it seems) early in the eighteenth
century, and was twice married.
His youngest son, Alexander Swan, was like-
wise twice married, and had three sons, the eldest
of whom, John Swan, married Sarah Taggart in
1764. Of this marriage there were ten children,
the youngest of whom, Gustavus Swan above-
named, was born July 15, 1787, on a farm in
Sharon — a town adjoining Peterborough.
In 1 8 10 Gustavus Swan left New Hampshire to
seek his fortune in the West, and settled at
Marietta, Ohio, where he was admitted to the bar
in the following year. Shortly afterwards he
removed to the frontier village which has since
become the city of Columbus, the capital of the
State; and he continued to reside there until his
death. He served in the State Legislature, was a
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and subse-
quently of the Supreme Court of Ohio. In 1831
he retired from the Bench and became President
of the State Bank of Ohio, a position he held for
many years.
In 1 8 19 he married the widow Amelia Western,
daughter of George Aldrich and Mary his wife,
of Men don, Massachusetts, who was born Decem-
ber 20, 1785. Mrs. Swan died November 5, 1859;
and Judge Swan did not long survive her — dying
February 7, i860.
Of this marriage there were four children:
The Whiting Family 81
i. Sarah Swan, born June 2, 1820, who married
Augustus Whiting (see below).
2. George Swan, born July 26, 1821; and per-
ished while on the steamboat Lexington, which
was burned in Long Island Sound on the night of
January 13, 1840.
3. Jane Swan, born February 24, 1823, married
George M. Parsons (see below).
4. Albert Swan, born October 7, 1827, died
February 4, 1845, unmarried.
Sarah Swan, above mentioned, was married to
Augustus Whiting at Cambridge, Massachusetts,
on October 19, 1843. She survived her husband
(who was nearly twenty-four years her senior) by
twenty-one years, and died at Newport, June 6,
Of this marriage there were seven children, viz. :
1. Jane Whiting, born at Columbus, Ohio,
September 19, 1844, and died in the city of New
York, November 10, 1909, unmarried.
2. Amelia Whiting, born January 3, 1846,
married February 1, 1893, to John H. Davis of
New York and died June 6, 1896, without issue.
3. William Augustus Whiting, born June 30,
1847, and died December 1, 1848, an infant.
4. Augustus Whiting, born July 28, 1850, died
July 23, 1894. He married on June 7, 1877, Flor-
ence Green, who died November 22, 1888. Of this
marriage there were born Augustus Whiting, 3d
(born March 16, 1878, and died April 2d, the same
year), and one daughter, Charlotte, who was born
82 Genealogical Notes
July 27, 1880. On July 11, 1900, she was married
to Henry 0. Havemeyer, by whom she has four
i. Carlotta Havemeyer, born December 13,
ii. Henry Osborne Havemeyer, born March
1, 1903-
iii. Florence Hildegarde Havemeyer, born
December 31, 1905.
iv. Frederic Christian Havemeyer, born Jan-
uary 19, 1908.
5. George Whiting, born July, 1855, and died
the same day.
6. Henry Swan Whiting, born November 18,
1856, died an infant December 27, 1857.
7. Sara Whiting, born June 22, 1861. She
married first Oliver H. P. Belmont, by whom she
had one daughter, Natica Caroline Belmont, born
September 1, 1883, who married Williams P. Burden,
April 17, 1907, and died in the city of New York,
February 21, 1908, without issue.
Sara Whiting (Belmont) subsequently, on March
20, 1889, married George L. Rives (see above).
Jane Swan (the second daughter and third child
of Gustavus and Amelia Swan) was married at
the same place and time as her sister (October 19,
1843) to George McLellan Parsons of Columbus,
Ohio. Mr. Parsons, who was a highly successful
lawyer, was born July 8, 18 18, and died September
!7» 1895. Mrs. Parsons survived him and died
in her seventy-eighth year on November 7, 1900.
The Whiting Family 83
Of this marriage there were descendants as
follows :
1. Sarah, born December 8, 1844, died July 15,
2. Elizabeth, born April 4, 1846, married
December 17, 1874, to Jasper Joseph Alexander
Milner-Gibson and had one child, who died in
infancy. Mrs. Milner-Gibson died in England
December 6, 1889.
3. Sarah, born June 8, 1848, died February 3,
4. Amelia, born June 14, 1850, married May 16,
1 87 1, to Alexander Ernst Mandrup, Fiirst von
und zu Lynar, of Germany, and has issue:
i. Ernst George Herman Rochus Mandrup,
born March 31, 1875.
ii. Jane Georgiana Margaret Sophie Mandrup,
born April 14, 1876.
iii. George Mandrup, born September, 1878.
5. Jane, born June 8, 1852, and married June 4,
1885, to James Andrews Swan, son of Judge Joseph
R. Swan of Columbus, Ohio.
6. Gustavus, born January 26, 1855, died May
20, 1913. He was married April 3, 1878, to Emily
Collins Herron and had nine children.
i. Jane, born December 26, 1878, died January,
ii. George McLellan, born February 17, 1880.
iii. John Herron, born April 20, 1882 (married
Helen Hall Wood on November 25, 1908, and has
issue) .
iv. Elizabeth, born May 4, 1885.
84 Genealogical Notes
v. Edwin Morgan, born April 2, 1889, died
October 8, 1892.
vi. Anne, born December 8, 1893.
vii. Louis, born January 7, 1898.
viii. Joseph Olds, born September 29, 1902,
died March 16, 1903.
ix. Mary, born May 25, 1904, died October
17, 1904.
7. Mary Louise, born February 16, 1857,
married December 16, 1880, to William Lawrence
Breese. Of this marriage there were three children.
i. Eloise Lawrence Breese, married on Decem-
ber 5, 1905, to Lord Willoughby de Eresby
(afterwards known as the Earl of Ancaster) and
has issue.
ii. William Lawrence Breese, born February
24, 1883, married Julia Fish (granddaughter of
Hamilton Fish — see above under Kean Family)
and has issue.
iii. Anne Breese, born January 12, 1885,
married October 10, 1907, to Lord Alastair
Innes-Ker and has issue.
William Lawrence Breese died in 1888, and his
widow was married to Henry Vincent Higgins on
January 30, 1894. Of this marriage there are no
8. Anne Eliza Dennison, born April 8, i860,
married James Thomson, June 4, 1885. Mr. Thom-
son died in 1897. There are no issue of this
in the County of Norfolk in England.
With Notes and Additions by
of Hoveton St. Peter in the same County.
I have never yet been able to discover who was
y" Father of Titus Norris, nor where he lived,
only that he was born in ye Year 1536; in y"
year 1560, when he was about 24 y- of Age he
was Owner and Inhabitant of a very large Mes-
suage in ye Parish of Saint Andrews in Norwich,
being y* corner House abutting upon S- Andrews
Street. — M- Kirkpatrick in his history of Nor-
wich says, that this Messuage tho' of late years
made into Two good Houses, was formerly one
very Capital Messuage which extended in Front
next S- Andrews S- to the corner opposite ye
New Hall, and that Northward it reach 'd down
to ye River; in ye n'- of Ric? ye 2? it was yt
City House of Sr John White of Shottesham Kn-. —
In ye time of Edw- ye 6th it was inhabited by
M' J- Brace Alderman of Norwich — in 1549 it
was Inhabited by ye- Widow of y* said Alderman,
and in 1560, by Mr Titus Norris; — from this
circumstance alone it is evident that he inherited
an easy fortune from his Parents, as no Trade or
Industry of his own could have enabled him at
y* Age of 24 to Inhabit so Capital a House.
2 Genealogical Notes
In 1584 the aforesaid Titus Norris was elected
Sheriff of Norwich, and in ye Entry thereof he is
stiled in ye City books "Titus Norris, Skynner;"
but it is to be observ'd that this by no means
proves him to be of that Trade or of any business
at all, for, by an order of ye Corporation in ye
Year 1450, every person admitted a Freeman of
Nor- was to be recorded under some Art or Trade —
and this order M- Kirkpatrick says was long
observed; — for instance John Yelverton Son of
ye Judge of that name was admitted a Freeman
& inrolled under ye Mercers Comp-; John
Corbet of Sprowston Esq6 stands register 'd as a
Free-man of Norwich with ye Addition of
"Brazier." However I am far from asserting that
Titus Norris was not in Trade ; but in his last Will
he stiles himself Gentleman, a title not taken up
lightly at that time, nor without having a right
to it.
Titus Norris married 2 Wives ; ye first was Mary,
but whose Daughter she was, does not appear; — ■
she was living in ye Year 1 582 ;■ — by this Woman
he had four Sons and five Daught"; he also mar-
ried a 2- Wife, Eliz-, whose Family I know not;
she died in 1628.
Extract from the Parentalia 3
Tho- Norris, y ■ Eldest Son of Titus, was Married
in S- Andrew's Church May y- 21- 1583, to
Diana Walpoole, by whom he had one Daught-
named Susanna, who was Married to Gregory
Bootie of Norwich, Scrivener. I know of no
other Descendants he had.
Titus Norris, 2- Son of ye above Titus, died un-
married, and was buried in S- Andrews July y-
15- 1579-
John Norris, y 3- Son of Titus, was born in S!
Andrew's Parish and Baptiz'd Nov- ye 19- 1564 —
Of him I shall speak hereafter, as being ye only
Son of Titus who left Issue.
Peter Norris ye- 4- Son of y* above Titus, was
not Register'd in S- Andrew's, but his Burial
is enter'd in ye Parish Register of Irsted in ye
Hund- of Tunsted; Decb-^ y^ 31- 1582; Upon
what Ace- he came to dye & be Buried at Irsted
I have no where found.
Mary y* Eldest Daughter of y' aforesaid Titus
was married to Rich- Frankling, and was living
in ye- year 161 9; but I know not whether she had
any Issue.
4 Genealogical Notes
Susanna, ye 2- Daught1 of Titus Norris, was
not Registered; but was living in ye Year 1639.
Sarah, y° 3- Daught' was also not Registered
in S- Andrew's; but she was there Married to
Rich- Cubitt May ye 7^ 1592.
Elizabeth, ye 4- Daught- of Titus Norris was
not enter 'd in S^ Andrew's Parish, but was there
Married July y* 15- 1600, to Nathaniel Brewer.
These were all ye Descendants of Titus Norris,
who made his Will in ye Year 161 7 by ye Name
of Titus Norrys of ye Parish of S- Andrew's in
ye City of Norwich, Gentleman, — dated Jan-
y' 22d 1 61 7, giving small Legacies to his Daught-
Mary — Susanna, and his Eldest Son John Norris,
and to his Grand Son Henry and to his Grand
Daught- Sarah Cubitt, but he made his Wife
Eliz- Sole Executrix and left her all his Houshold
Stuff, Plate, and Money &c. ; but his Son John
dying he added a Codicil, by which he bequeath'd
ye- Legacy before given to his Son John, to be
divided between ye Sons & Daught- of y- said
Son John; & his Will & Codicil was proved
November ye 18- 161 9; soon after making the
Extract from the Parentalia 5
Codicil, Titus Norris Departed this life and was
Buried in S- Andrews Church in Norwich Oct-
y° 30^ 1619
I must now return to John Norris y' 3- Son
of y^ above Titus. — This John Norris was Bap-
tiz'd as I before observ'd Nov- 19, 1564. In
1612 he was elected Sheriff of Norwich, in y?
life time of his Father Titus; & he is so enter'd
in y* City books, by ye Name of Mr. John Norris,
Skynner, according to ye custom I have before
mention'd, respecting all Free Men of y* City; —
but in an Indenture recited in his Father Titus's
Will he is called John Norris, Merchant, which
Indenture was dated Feb- y* 20^ 1602-3 —
and I elsewhere find him Stiled Gentleman; —
he died before his Father, and was Buried in
S- Andrews Church March ye 1- 1617-18. He
Married upon ye 29- of July 1589 — Anne Gyles,
ye Daughter of Robert Gyles, Gentleman —
which Family of Gyles bore Arms. He had by
this Wife Anne, Eight Sons and Six Daughters, —
most of whom lived to be Men and Women.
John his Eldest Son was Baptiz'd y° 28- June
1590 but most likely died an Infant being no other-
wise mention'd. Titus his 2d Son was Baptiz'd
6 Genealogical Notes
1595 — he died and was Buried in S1 Andrew's
Church ye 19^ of August 161 5, being little more
than Twenty years of Age.
Thomas y' 3- Son was Baptiz'd ye 29^ of
March 1598- — of him I shall speak hereafter.
Francis ye 4- Son was Baptiz'd y? 28-- of
May 1599 — of him also I shall give an Account
in due time.
Mathew ye s~ Son Baptiz'd ye 27- of June;
he died and was Buried ye following Day.
Edward ye 6^ Son was Baptiz'd ye 6^ of
March 1602. — Of him I shall speak in proper
John ye 7^ Son was Baptiz'd ye 16^ of March
1605 — he was brought up to ye Church and was
admitted of Corpus Christi or Bennet College
Cambridge, in ye Year 1623 — and in ye Year
1630 he took his Degree of Master of Arts and was
then or soon after in Orders — and in y' same Year
Extract from the Parentalia 7
1630 he took up his Freedom of y^ City of Norwich
to which he was entitled by Birth; and tho' he
was now in Orders and a Master of Arts, yet
in his admission to his freedom he is Stiled
Worstead Weaver, another proof that ye Occupa-
tion of a Citizen cannot be known by his admis-
sion to his Freedom. — He died unmarried in y°
Year 1637, and made his Will by y* name of John
Norris, Clerk, and gave all his books of Divinity
to his Bro- Francis Norris for ye use of John y*
Son of ye s- Francis, leaving also Legacies to
his Bro1-5 and Sisters.
Robert ye 8- Son of y* aforesaid John Norris
was Baptiz'd Dec- ye 28- 1607; of him I shall
speak hereafter
Elizabeth Norris Eldest DaughtL of John Norris
& Anne his Wife was Baptiz'd ye 30^ of Jan-
159 1 — and was Married on y" 25- of Sept-
1614 to Gregory Breviter of Norwich. I do not
find that she left any Issue behind her
Sarah Norris y?- 2- Daught- was Baptiz'd
ye 25- of March 1593 & died Unmarried & was
Buried in S- Andrews Church Sept- y* 23- 161 1
8 Genealogical Notes
Mary Norris ye 3- Daughter was Baptiz'd
May y- 22- 1594 and Married to— Ansell of
Anne Norris ye 4- Daughter of John Norris
was Baptiz'd Jan- ye 22- 1596; she died and
was Buried in S1 Andrew's Church October y"
31- 1608.
Judith Norris ye 5- Daughter was Baptiz'd
Aug1 y- 30^ 1 601, and was Married to Edw-
Lynsey of Norwich.
Susan Norris 6^ Daught1 was Baptiz'd July ye
12- 1604. She died UnMarried & was Buried in
S- Andrew's Church on ye 29^ of January 1638;
she made her Will, which was proved April y*
28- 1639, disposing of her Money among her
Relations & making her BtcP Tho1 and Francis
Norris Residuary Legatees.
Of y' different Families which the Daught- of
John Norris Married into, I shall speak hereafter.
Extract from the Parentalia 9
John Norris and Titus Norris y' two Eldest Sons
of John Norris, by his Wife Anne Gyles, leaving
no Issue, I come now to speak of Tho! Norris
ye 3- Son. — His Father having y- 14 Children
before Specified, was doubtless obliged to bring
his Sons up to Business; accordingly this Son
was in ye Woollen Manufactory of Norwich,' —
and in 1620 I find him admitted a Freeman of
Norwich by ye Name of Tho! Norris, Worstead
Weaver. — He married Elizabeth, but of what
Family I know not; — He was Married to her
before ye Year 1637; he had John his Eldest Son
and other Sons; he had also a Daught- Hannah,
Baptiz'd at S- Andrews Nov- ye 15- 1637.— He
had also a Daught- Elizabeth, Buried in that
Church Sept- ye 12- 1638; it is probable he had
other Child- but they all died before him and
without Issue, so that most likely they all died
In y' Year 1659 I find him & his Wife Legatees
of y • Will of Mr- Carter, Widow, of Norwich but
no Child- mention'd; but his Bro1 Francis & his
Nephew John Norris Esq- and Amey his Wife
are mention'd as Legatees.
io Genealogical Notes
In y*. Year 1665 ye said Tho! Norris was chosen
Alderman of South Conisford Ward & sworn into
that Office on ye 10- of June 1665. He lived,
and at length died in ye Parish of S- Giles in
Norwich, but seems to have left off business and
to have been chiefly Resident at his Estate at
Baburgh — and wrote himself by ye Name of
Tho- Norris of Baburgh Gent-; in y- Year 1662
however upon his being Elected Alderman he seems
to have return'd to Norwich although ye Plague
had then broken out in that City, and on ye 19-
of July 1665 he was appointed of a Committee
consisting of a certain Number of Aldermen &c
who were appointed to make orders, and take care
to prevent if possible the Spreading of ye Infection,
which Employment was probably ye Occasion of
his Death, for he died and was Buried in ye
Church of S- Andrews in Norwich by his Ancestors
in ye month of October 1665.
By his last Will which he made by ye Name
of Thomas Norris of Baburgh Gent- dated Jan-
ye 14th 1662, he gave directions to be Buried
in S- Andrews Church, and he left ye following
Legacies —
Extract from the Parentalia n
To Elizabeth his Wife 80^ a year without any
deduction whatsoever, to be paid her Quarterly
during her life.
To his Cousin1 John Norris, y! Eldest Son of
his Brother Francis Norris, he gave all his Mes-
suages, Lands Tenements &c free and Copyhold
in Baburgh aforesaid, to him & his Heirs for
ever, subject to y* above Annuity of 8o£ a y- to
his Wife. TohisBro- Francis & to Susan his Wife
he gave 10^ each for Mourning.
To his Brother Edw- Norris he gave ye profit
of 120^ for his life & after his Decease ye principal
to y- s- Edward's 3 Daught- Anne, Thomasine,
& Elizabeth, equally among them. To ye same
Bro! Edw- he gave also io£ a y- during his life.
To his Bro1 Robert Norris he gave an Annuity
for his life of 15^ a year to be paid him monthly.
. To Sarah Norris his Niece Daught- of y* above
Robert, he gave an Anty of io£ a year so long as
she lived UnMarried, but upon her Marriage that
was to cease and his Executors were to give her
y* Sum of 50^ in lieu thereof.
To his Cousin1 Jeremy Norris 50^.
To his Cousins Rob1 Anthony & Sibilla Norris
he gave 5^ each.
1 It should be " Nephew. " (Note by Anthony Aufrhe.)
12 Genealogical Notes
To John Ansell ye Son of his Sister Mary, who
Married Mathew Ansell of Norwich, he gave 2$£,
and to ye Son of ye said John Ansell he gave
io£ when he arriv'd at ye Age of 21.
To the 2 Eldest Daught- of Isaac Leeman io^
each at 21 y- of Age.
To Rob- Norris Son of his Bro- Robert he
gave 25^.
To Anne Norris Daught- of ye said Bro- Rob-1
Norris 2$£.
To John Norris Son of ye above Bro1 Rob! 25*
at 21 y- of Age.
To Elizabeth Norris Daught- of his Bro- Ed-
ward Norris 35^ at her attaining ye Age of 21.
To Edw- Lynsey Son of his Sister Judith Norris,
who Married Edw- Lynsey of Norwich, he gave
To his Kinswoman Elizabeth ye Wife of Will-
Balls 15*
To his Friends M- Cock, M- Harmer, &
M- Whitefoot, Ministers of ye City of Norwich,
he gave 20- each.
To ye Poor of ye Parish of S- Andrews 5£ at y •
time of his Burial.
To his Cousin1 John Norris son of ye before
mention'd Francis his Bro1 he gave moreover his
Lease of y* Rectory of East Ruston in Norfolk
which he held of ye Dean & Chapter of Windsor,
also all his Lands Messuages and Tenements
Freehold & Copyhold in ye Parish of Walcot &
1 " Nephew. " (Note by A . Aujrlre.)
Extract from the Parentalia 13
East Ruston, to him and his Heirs for ever, but
charged with y° Annuities before given to his
Brothers Edward and Robert & their Child- ; also
he gave him all his Estates real & personal, and
made him sole Executor; — the probate of this Will
was enter' d in due form.
John Norris ye Executor order'd in his own
Will a Monument to be erected in S- Andrew's
Church for his Uncle Alderman Tho- Norris;
but those that came after him chose rather to omit
doing of it (as he had done) than to follow his
orders. I find that above y* 5^ before mention'd,
his Executors paid I0;£ into ye hands of ye Mayor
& Corporation for ye poor of y* City — probably
on ye. day of his Burial Oct- 21- 1665.
I come now to speak of Francis Norris, y* 4'
Son Born but the 2- Surviving Son of John Norris
Gent- & Anne Gyles his Wife and ye only one of
all his Eight Sons whose Issue Male is now remain-
ing; was Born in S- Andrews and there Baptiz'd
May y- 28- in ye Year 1599.
The said Francis Norris was bro1 up to
Trade, as were his Brothers, and in 1630 was
admitted to his freedom of y" City of Nor-
wich;— his Admission is enter 'd as follows —
Francis Norrys, Maltster, — he is wrote in all
14 Genealogical Notes
other places Francis Norris, Merchant — as in
truth he was and dealt largely in Spain, particu-
larly in Corn and Malt — by which he acquir'd
what was then esteem 'd a Considerable Fortune.
In 1634 at a general meeting of ye Parishioners of
S- Andrews in Norw-, full power was given to
14 Committes together with the Churchwardens
to Nominate a Minister to ye said Church, of
which Number ye 5- in order was Mr Francis
In 1 64 1 He paid a fine of 20^ to be excused from
serving ye Office of Sheriff for a certain time only.
Upon the breaking out of ye troubles between
y* King and ye Parliament he was of ye Royal
party; 1643 I find his name in a list of those who
refus'd voluntarily to contribute towards regain-
ing Newcastle which had been seiz'd by ye Kings
Friends, and I have heard he was principally con-
cern'd in y* remitting such money as was sent to
Cha! ye 2- during his Exile. In ye Year 1656 he
repair 'd & beautified y* great Gate of his House
next to Bridge St — placing thereon a Coat of Arms
— carved in Stone and which were remaining there
in 1725 — he also added to his own his Wifes Coat
of Arms; she was Susanna the Daughtr of Jeremy
Gooch of Norw- Gent-; these Arms were duly
Register'd in y' Year 1665.
Extract from the Parentalia 15
In 1660 upon ye Restoration of Cha- ye 2- he
was one of ye Citizens who carried up ye address
and their pres- of one thous- p- to y* King.
In 1665 He was elected one of ye City Sheriffs
& was sworn in as usual, and he is enter'd Francis
Norris Merchant, Son of John Norris Gent-
Citizen of Norw-. He died in August 1666, and
was Buried in S- Andrews Church with his
By Susanna his Wife he had Issue.
John Norris his Eldest Son Born 1627 of whom
I shall speak again.
Tho! Norris his 2- Son, Baptiz'd March 1629 —
he died young.
Jeremy Norris1 his 3- Son, Baptiz'd March
1630, of him I shall speak again.
Robert Norris his 4- Son Baptiz'd Feb^ 1632,
probably he died UnMarried.
Edward Norris his 5- Son Baptiz'd Dec- 1634
certainly died young.
Anthony Norris his 6- Son Baptiz'd April 1635
of whom I shall speak.
Will- Norris ye 7- Son Born in 1639 died
an Infant.
Francis Norris his 8- Son died an Infant Jan'
Francis Norris his 9- Son Born August 1643,
& died that year.
Francis Norris his 10- Son Born August 1644
& died that Month.
1 See Page 23. (Note by A. Aufrfre.)
16 Genealogical Notes
By Susanna his Wife yc said Francis had one
Daught- Born June 1637 — she Married in 1670,
Francis Jenney ye 2- Son of S1 Arthur Jenney
Kn- of Knodshall in Suffolk, by whom she had no
Issue; she died his Widow 17 16, leaving consider-
able property to M- Stephen Norris her Bror
Anthonys Son.
I now come to speak of John Norris, Eldest
Son of Francis by Susanna his Wife, who was
Stiled John Norris of Witton Esq-. He was Born
abL y" Year 1627 and was bro- up at ye University
of Cambridge; from thence he removed to Lin-
coln's Inn where he was called to ye Degree of
Barrister at Law; in ye Year 1678 he was chosen
Recorder of Norwich, having been Steward ye
year before; but in 1682 when it was resolv'd to
resign ye Charters, he gave up his Office as did
M- Mingan who was then Steward; for tho'
he was of y* Court party he would not Counte-
nance ye violent & illegal measures of that Reign.
He was a Lawyer of Note and eminence, many
years one of ye Justices of ye Peace for Norfolk &
one of ye four Chairmen at ye quart- Sessions.
He Married two Wives — ye first was Amy, y'
Daught- of Stephen Edgar of Watlington Esq-;
she died ab- 1680 & left Issue as follows;
Extract from the Parentalia 17
Francis Norris, who probably died an Infant
Thos- Norris ye 2- Son who was a Barrister but
died before his Father.
John Norris ye 3- Son and Heir, of whom I shall
speak hereafter.
Oliver Norris ye 4- Son, was an Officer in King
Williams Army; He died Unmarried, being basely
Robb'd & Murder'd in an Inn, in Bishopgate Street
London in ye Year 1 700 ; the Master of ye Inn, his
Wife and ye Hostler were convicted of ye same &
hanged at Tyburn; ye 2 Men were hung in chains
near Whitechapel.
The Female Issue of John Norris and Amy his
Wife were as follows
Elizabeth Norris, ye Eldest Daught-, Married Mr.
Sam1- Monk of Coventry, by whom she had Issue
John Monk who died in 1757 — also Geo Monk
Vicar of Witton & Rector of East Ruston ; neither
of ym left Issue.
Susan Norris ye 2- Daught- Married Mr. Green
of Lond-, left no Issue.
Thomasine ye 3- Daught- Married ye Rev-
Theophilus Brown Rector of Thwaite & Calthorpe,
but she left no Issue.
The above John Norris Married a second Wife,
y° Daught- of Jeremy Gooch and his first Cousin,
but had no Issue by her.
18 Genealogical Notes
The said John Norris died at his House at Witton
near N. Walsham upon ye I- of August 1701 & was
Buried in Witton Chancel. He was succeeded in
his Estates by John his 3- Son & Heir of whom I
shall speak in y* next page.
John Norris Esq£ of Witton Married Caroline
Daught- of S1 John Playters, Baronet, of Satterley
in Suffolk, by whom he had Issue. *
John Norris his only Son & Heir — born Feb-
ye 12- 1710, 11.
Carolina who Married M- Ewen of Raydon in
Amey Norris who died single.
Thomasine who Married ye Rev- S1 Ashurst
Allin Bart of Blunston — who succeeded his Bro-
S1 Tho1 of Somerley neither of whom left Male
Issue. 2
1 The Satterley estate was sold to M' Barne, Merchant in
London. The title (dated 1623) became extinct early in the 19*
century, on the death of Sir Cha! Playters, a Bachelor and a
Lunatic. (Note by A. Aufrdre.)
3 Sir Ashurst left one son, Sir Thomas, & one Daughter Frances.
Sir Thof was a lunatic; died in 17 — without issue — The Title
was extinct — but the Estate at Somerleyton devolved to the
Anguish family. (Note by A. Aufrere.)
Extract from the Parentalia 19
The above John Norris was a Justice of y'
Peace and a Captain in ye Norfolk Militia; but
falling into a Sottish habit much in fashion among
the Country Gent- at that time — he fell from his
Horse very near his own House in returning from a
Drinking Party at N. Walsham, and was kill'd
Jan^-y 11^1716.
Carolina y* Wife of y' said John Norris died
his Widow many years after.
About this time1 this Branch of ye Norris
Family purchas'd y' Reversion of y' Witching-
ham Estate lately belonging to y* LeNeves — who
afterwards, disputed y" Legality of y* purchase,
but after going thro' both Houses, it was decided in
y" House of Lords in favor of y* Norris Family —
of which part I am about to give a farther Account.
1 It was John Norris of Whitton, the Barrister at Law, men-
tioned on page 16, father of the above John, who purchased
the Reversion of the Witchingham Estate. (Note by A. A ufrire.)
20 Genealogical Notes
John Norris of Witton and Witchingham Esq-
was y- only Son & Heir of John Norris & Carolina
Playters his Wife; he was Born in Feb- 10-
1710, 11 — He was admitted a Fellow of Gonville
& Caius College Cambridge in ye Year 1728;
soon after which he came into ye Possession of
y' Estate already mentioned.
He Married Anna, Daught- of Tho! Carthew of
Benacre in Suffolk Esq! by whom he had Issue
one Son & one Daught- leaving ye latter only
half a year Old, for he died Oct- ye 7- 1735—
and was buried at Witton.
Y* said Anna Carthew was ye Daught1 of Tho?
Carthew by his first Wife Daught- of S- Tho-
Powys Kn- in ye Reign of Queen Anne and one
of ye Judges. — The said Tho- Carthew Married
a second Wife by whom he left one Son, from whom
are descended ye pres- Branch of Carthews.
He left also anoL Daught- by his first Wife, Mar-
ried to Counsellor Gardiner of Norwich, by whom
she had one only Daught- Married to Thos Berney
Bramston Eq- many years Member for Essex.
Ye above mention'd Son of Tho- Carthew,
Married Miss Morden, Niece of Col- Morden
afterwards S1 Will- Harbord, & Cousin German
to ye pres- Lord Sumeld, — by Her he had several
Sons & Daught-.
Y* Living of Frettenham is now held by ye Rev-
Mcrden Carthew being ye gift of Lord Suffield.
1 This daughter was Anna, married in 1756 to Anth: Aufrere
Esq!. (Note by A. A ufrere. )
Extract from the Parentalia 21
John Norris, Son & Heir of John Norris by
Anna Carthew, was Born April 1734, was Educated
at Eton School and from thence removed to
Trinity Coll^ Cambridge being admitted Fellow
Commoner. In 1762 He was put into ye Com-
mission of y* peace for ye County of Norfolk &
was High Sheriff of ye same County in 1766.
He married NovL y? 14 1758, Elizabeth Play ters,
Daught- of John Playters of Yelverton Esq- &
Grand Daught- of S- John Playters Bar'; to
whom he was second Cousin, his G- Mother being
S- John's Sister. She bore him one Son who died
at Witchingham an Infant; and falling into ill
health she died Dec- ye 1- 1769 in ye 28- year
of her Age. She was carried to Bristol, to Corn-
wall, & last of all to Portugal from whence she
return'd apparently better for a time. She was
ye Grand Daught- of S- John Turner of Warham
in Norfolk Baronet, by her Mother's Side. She
was Buried at Witton. —
The above John Norris Married for his second
Wife, Charlotte Townshend Daught- of ye Honb-^
Edw- Townshend then Dean of Norw- ; they were
Married on ye 5- of May 1773. She died the
5^ January 1777 —
By this Wife he left one Daught- Charlotte
Laura Norris, Born Oct- 1776 and married 18
Nov- i?q6 to John Wodehouse Esq- eldest son 6*
heir of Sir John W. Bar' of Kimberley in Norf:
who in Ocf iygy was created Lord Wodehouse. t
' Words in italics added by A. Aujrlre.
a Genealogical Notes
The additions to the Parentalia are made by
Anthony, eldest son of Anthony Aufrere late of
Hoveton St. Peter in the Co. of Norfolk Esquire, by
Anna his Wife, only daughter of the John N orris
mention 'dp. 20.
In page 15 Mr. Norris mentions Jeremy, third
son of Francis Norris, but gives no further account
of him or his Descendants.
What little I can add is that this branch of the
family profess'd the Catholic religion, residing
upon a very pretty estate at Colney near Norwich,
which was sold many years since to a Norwich
manufacturer. I have a faint recollection of the
death of old Mr Norris of Colney, who must have
been Grandson of the Jeremy third son of Francis
Norris, and consequently second cousin to my
grandfather John N. mention'd page 20. This old
Mr Norris of Colney left a son, Jeremy, whom I
have often seen when I was at school at Norwich
where he resided. I also remember going, when
I was about 12 years old, with my Mother, to pay
a bridal visit to the wife of this Jeremy Norris,
who was Miss Tasburgh, of a very ancient Catholic
family at Bodney near Swaffham in Norfolk. Mr
Norris afterwards sold the Colney estate, and must
have died many years since, for he was far from
young when he married. Whether he left children
I have never had an opportunity of learning.
Mention is made in p. 15 of Anthony Norris,
6th Son of Francis Norris, brother of John and
Extract from the Parentalia 23
Jeremy. In the next page it is said that a daugh-
ter of Francis Norris left her fortune to her nephew
Stephen son of her brother Anthony Norris. It
is presumed that this Stephen was Grandfather of
Anthony Norris of Barton in Norf : Esq- the last
representative of this the youngest branch of the
house of Norris. His father was a Clergyman,
but the son was educated for the Bar, & from
Cambridge proceeded to the Temple, became a
Barrister, and settled at Norwich, but having an
ample patrimony, he never practised. He early
in life married Miss Sarah Custance of a trading
family at Norwich, by whom he had one son who
died when he had reach 'd manhood, but long
before his father. Mr. Norris after his father
Stephen's decease resided at Barton, acted as a
Magistrate and was one of the Chairmen of the
Quarter-sessions. Dying at Norwich in 1785
he left all his fortune to his Wife for life, and after
her death which soon took place, to his Wife's
nieces (the wife of Sir Thos Durrant Bar- & her
sister Sarah Custance, Spinster) thus without any
reason disinheriting his relations of the Norris line.
But his intellects were much weakened in his latter
years, and the influence of a wife who had always
govern'd him, with the flattery and subserviency of
the nieces, prevailed over his partiality to his name
and family.
The Mr Jeremy Norris mention'd in page 22
had a Pedigree made out as follows; but I cannot
24 Genealogical Notes
answer for its correctness, nor do I know if it is
enter'd in the Herald's office.
Temp. Edward the first, [in the latter part of the
13th Century] there was a John Norris of Speke in
Allayne Norris, son & heir.
Allayne Norris, son & heir.
William Norris, son & heir.
Sir Henry Norris. Temp. Edward the 3d.
Sir Henry Norris, son & heir.
Sir John Norris, d°.
Sir Henry Norris, d°.
John Norris of Bray, 2d Son. 35th Edw-d the 3d.
Thos Norris, son & heir, of Bray. Died temp.
Richard 2d.
Roger Norris brother & heir to Thomas. 8th
Henry 4th.
Thos Norris, son & heir, & Lord of Speke.
Henry 5th.
William Norris son & heir. Henry 6th.
Henry Norris, Lord of Speke, d°. 13 of Henry
It appears that he had several sons, from one of
whom, call'd Francis Norris of Rycot, descended
the Titus Norris, mention'd in page 1, Grand-
father of Francis Norris by whom the family name
was carried on in three branches, all now extinct.
Extract from the Parentalia 25
Of the Carthew family mention 'd p. 20.
One of this family, of long standing in Cornwall,
was a Barrister of eminence in London and publish 'd
reports of Cases which are still frequently referr'd
to. He it was probably who purchased a con-
siderable estate at Benacre in Suffolk, near the Sea
and between Woodbridge (where he had another
handsome property, with the Manor and the advow-
son) and Lowestoft. One of his descendants
(my mother's maternal grandfather) married a
Daughter of Sir Thomas Powys Kn-, one of the
Judges in the reign of Queen Anne, and whose
brothers at the same period filled the same high
office. By this marriage Mr Carthew had three
Daughters: The eldest married Stephen Gardiner
Esqr a Barrister at Norwich, and left one child who
became the wife of Thomas Berney Bramston of
Skreens near Chelmsford in Essex Esqr. which
county he long represented in parliament. His
sons, Mr B. of Skreens, and the Revd Bramston
Stane (whose daughter married Mr Wm Beckford)
are consequently second cousins to the writer of this.
The second daughter of Mr Carthew was the
wife of John Norris (p. 20) — and the third eloped
with and married a Coachman of her father's,
named Losson, who treated her so ill that she
died of a broken heart, leaving a son and several
daughters, who were principally supported by
their relations on the mother's side, but who turn 'd
out ill and have been long since left to their fate.
26 Genealogical Notes
By this marriage of my Grandfather Norris
with a Granddaughter of Sir Thomas Powys
his Descendants became nearly connected with
the several branches of Powys — and particularly
with those of Lilford, Northamptonshire, (now
honour 'd with the Peerage as Lord Lilford) — of
Hardwicke in Oxfordshire — and Hintlesham in
Suffolk, now extinct, the last male heir having
left only two Daughters (by his wife Lady Mary
Brudenel) the late Countess of Courtown & the
late Viscountess Sydney.
One of the daughters of the above Judge Sir
T. Powys, called Jane, lived a great number of
years in Conduit street, Hanover Square, and was
very kind to me her great-great Nephew. She
was a stately venerable old Lady, much attached
to her name and her connections, by whom she was
much considered. She left the bulk of her fortune
to her nearest relations, the Revd Mr Powys, of the
Hardwicke branch, afterwards Dean of Canterbury ;
but she also left several Legacies, and amongst
others, the sum of ^2000 to my Mother. She
died in 1 782 considerably above fourscore years of
There was little or no intercourse between the
Powys families and ours, though there seems to
have been no backwardness on their parts, when
circumstances threw us in their way. Upon my
mother's application to Lady Sydney for her good
offices in respect to my poor brother Charles on his
going into the Navy, she exerted herself whenever
Extract from the Parentalia 27
it was required, and had obtained from Earl
Spencer, then at the head of the Admiralty, a
promise of promotion to the rank of Commander
as soon as the frigate Lutine, of which he was first
Lieutenant, should return from a mission to the
Texel — an event which did not take place, the ship
having been lost on the Vlie islands in the Texel,
the very day she had saild from Yarmouth —
October 1799, when every soul unfortunately
Dining in 1798 at the Duke of Buccleuch's at
Dalkeith, his eldest son's wife, Lady Dalkeith the
beautiful & admirable Daughter of Lady Sydney,
address'd me as her Cousin; and when my son
was at a private tutor's at Canterbury he received
kind attentions from his relative Dean Powys.
The sister of the first Lord Lilford, married
Mr Doughty of Han worth in Norfolk, and came to
reside there, which occasioned some friendly
intercourse and visiting between our family and
theirs. Mr and Mrs Doughty died a few years
since, leaving no children.
The Hevd Mr Powys, another of the Hardwicke
line, married Miss Palgrave, one of the daughters of
a respectable merchant at Yarmouth andColtishall,
and when at the latter place on a visit, civilities
passed between his family and ours. He resided
upon his Living of Fawley near Henley in Oxf ordsh :
and died there in — leaving several children.
I now return to the Mr Carthew, father of the
three Ladies mentioned p. 25, and who after the
28 Genealogical Notes
death of his first wife, greatly misallied himself and
disgraced his family, by taking to wife a female
servant, who I think was his Cook. This unfor-
tunate step proved cruelly detrimental to his three
Daughters; for she brought forth a son, whom he
made heir to his estates, and whom he left a minor.
When he came of age the estate was found so
burthend with debts and with the provision made
on his father's first marriage, for the Daughters,
that it was necessary to sell the Benacre estate,
which was purchased by Sir Thos Gooch.
The young Carthew was educated at Cambridge,
enter' d into holy orders, presented himself to his
own Rectory of Woodbridge, and very early in life
married Miss Morden daughter of the Revd
Mr Morden, of the ancient family of Morden of
Sufheld in Norfolk, now merged in that of Har-
bord, Lord Suffield. By this Lady the Revd
Mr Carthew had a numerous family, to which
he added considerably (I believe 18 in all) by
marriage with two other Ladies, all of whom
he survived, and died in 1791 aged about 60.
His eldest son, Wm C. was a distinguished officer
in the Navy, and died in 1826 a superanuated
Admiral, possess'd of the Woodbridge Estate
which he had purchased of a Gentleman who had
bought it when^offer'd for sale upon the death of
the Revd Mr Carthew.
Another of this Clergyman's sons, called Morden
was also in orders and was presented by his Cousin
the first Lord Suffield to the living of Frettenham,
Extract from the Parentalia 29
which he afterwards exchanged for Mattishall
(both in Norfolk) where he died in 1827, leaving
a widow (Miss Pike before marriage) and several
Of the other sons & daughters of the Revd
Mr Carthew of Woodbridge, I have little to say-
more than that, of the sons, some were in the
Church, some in the Law and some in the army &
navy and conducted themselves respectably, and
to their advantage, and that, of the Daughters, one
married the Rev? Mr Borton, Rector of Blofield,
Norfolk, another marrd Mr Cokett a beneficed
Clergyman in Norfolk, that another married Lieut'
Fuller of the R. Artillery, and that at this time
(1828) there are five others residing at Ipswich in
Suffolk in a state of single blessedness.
( Unless otherwise noted, the pages referred to in this Index are in
Part I of the volume.)
Aboyne, Earl of, 69
Aldrich, George, 80
Alexander, Mary (m. P. V. B.
Livingston), 74
Allin, Sir Ashurst, ii., 18
Sir Thomas, ii., 18
Amsincq, Sarah (m. I. A.
Aufrere), 52
Ancaster, Earl of, 84
Ansell, John, ii., 12
Mathew, ii., 8
Armistead, Judith (m. R.
Carter), 30
Lucy (m. T. Nelson), 29
Armstrong, E. Maitland, 15
Aufrere, Amelia Jane, 60
Anna, 58
Anthony (1704-1781), 54,
Anthony (1757-1833), 43,
Antoine (living in 1574),
Antoine (living in 1622),
Antoine (living in 1701),
Caroline (m. J. Flavell),
Charles Gastine (1770-
1799), 60
Etienne, 50
George (d. inf.), 58
George Anthony (1794-
i88i),57, 62 "
Aufrere, George John (1769-
), 60
George Rene (1715-1801),
Harriet (m. R. Baker), 59
Israel Antoine, 52
Jeanne (m. Dr. Regis), 54
John, d. inf., 58
Louisa (m. G. R. Min-
shull), 59
Louisa Anna Matilda (m.
G. Barclay), 43, 57
Magdalene (m. S. Grove),
Maria (m. P. Squires), 61
Marieanne (m. P. DuVal),
Philip DuVal, 60
Philippa Norris, 60
Pierre, 50
Sophia (m. C. A. Pelham),
Sophia (m. M. Dawson),
Susannah, 58
Thomas Norris, 60
Bache, Theophylact, 34
Baker, Caroline, 59
Charles John, 59
Charlotte, 59
Edward, 59
Emily, 59
Fanny (m. W. Greenlaw),
Baker, George, 59
Harriet (m. R. B. Green-
law), 59
Henry, 59
Louisa, 59
Marianne, 59
Richard, 59
Robert, 59
William Way, 59
Barclay, Andrew, 34
Ann (m. W. B. Parsons),
Ann Dorothea (m. T.
Bache), 34
Ann Margaret (m. F.
Jay), 35
Anna Dorothea (m. B.
Robinson), 37
Anthony ( 1755- 1805), 36
Anthony (1 792-1877), 41
Beverley Robinson, 41
Catharine (m. A. Van
Cortlandt), 34
Catharine (d. inf.), 37
Charlotte Amelia (m. R.
Bayley), 35
Clement Horton, 41
Cornelia (m. S. De Lancey
and Sir H. Lowe), 37
Cornelia Cochrane (m.
S. M. Barclay), 36, 42
Cornelia Elizabeth Stew-
art (d. inf.), 42
De Lancey, 40
Eliza (m. P. S. Livingston) ,
Fanny M. (m. W. Con-
stable), 36
George, 4*-45, 57
Gurney, 40
Helena (m. T. Moncrieffe),
Henry (1 712-1764), 34-36
Henry (d. unm.), 34
Henry (1794-1863), 36
Henry (1778-1851), 39
Henry A., 36
Henry, A. W., 42
James (1750-1791), 34
James Lent, 36
Barclay, John (d. unm.), 34
John ( -1779), 35
Maria (m. Simon Frazer),
Matilda Antonia (m. F.
R. Rives), 11, 15,45,57
Sackett Moore, 36
Sarah (m. A. Lispenard),
Susan (m. P. G. Stuy-
vesant), 41
Thomas ( -1725), 33.
Thomas (d. inf.), 34
Thomas (about 1 738-
Thomas Edmund (1783-
1838), 40
Thomas H. (1 753-1830),
36, 37-39
Walter Channing, 40
Bate, Arabella (m. G. R.
Aufrere), 56
Bayley, Richard (1745-1801),
Bell, Olivia Mott (m. J. L.
Barclay), 36
Belmont, Natica Caroline (m.
W. P. Burden), 82
Beresford, Emily (m. P. De
Lancey), 49
Beverhoudt, Maria (m. James
Barclay), 34
Bininger, Frances Agnes (m.
F. R. Rives, Jr.), 16
Bootie, Gregory, ii., 3
Borland, Ella Aufrere, 16
John (1856-1893), 16
John, Jr. (1887- ), 16
Maud, 16
Melanchthon Woolsey,
Bramston, Thomas Berney,
ii., 20, 25
Brand, Lucy (m. Fred. W.
Page), 27
Breese, Anne (m. Lord A.
Innes-Ker), 84
Eloise Lawrence (m. Lord
Ancaster), 84
Breese, William Lawrence
( -1888), 84
William Lawrence, Jr.
(1883- ), 84
Breviter, Gregory, ii., 7
Brewer, Nathaniel, ii., 4
Brown, Alexander (1796- 1864),
Elizabeth (m. R. K.
Meade), 7
Gertrude Elizabeth (m.
P. W. R. King), 15
Margaret (m. R. H. Wil-
mer), 7
Robert Lawrence, 6
— — Theophilus, 18
Bulkley, Edward Henry, 16
Mary Caroline (m. R. W.
Rives), 16
Burden, Williams Proudfit, 82
Burks, Elizabeth (m. W.
Cabell), 19
Burwell, Elizabeth (m. W.
Nelson), 30
Nathaniel, 30
Robin, 29
Buxton, Julia (m. H. Dawson),
Sir Robert, 58
Byrd, Abby (m. W. Nelson),
Jane (m. John Page), 31
William (1674-1744), 31
William (1728-1777), 30
Cabell, Elizabeth Carter (m.
W. H. Cabell), 22
George, 20
Hector, 22
John, 20
Joseph, 20
Landon, 22
Margaret Jordan (m. R.
Rives), 4, 22
Mary (m. W. Horsley), 19
Nicholas (of Warminster,
Eng.), 19
Nicholas (1750-1803), 20
Paulina (m. E. Read and
Nash Le Grand), 22
Cabell, Paulina (m. H. Cabell),
Samuel Jordan, 21
William (1700-1774), 19
William (1 730-1 798), 4,
William (1 759-1 822), 21
William H. (1772-1853),
Carrington, Hannah (m. N.
Cabell), 20
Nancy (m. W. Cabell), 21
Paul, 21
Carter, Elizabeth (m. N. Bur-
well), 30
Judith (m. Mann Page),
Mary Eliza (m. G. Rives),
Robert, 30, 31
Carthew, Anna (m. J. Norris) ,
ii., 20
Morden, ii., 20, 28
Thomas, ii., 20, 25, 27
William, ii., 28
Chanler, John Armstrong, 13
Channing, Catharine Smith
(m. T. E. Barclay), 40
Cheesman, Anna E. (m. Fran-
cis W. Page), 27
Clark, Catharine Wolfe (m.
E. H. Bulkley), 17
Erminie Marie (m. J.
Borland, Jr.), 16
Richard Smith, 17
Cochrane, Sir Thomas, 71
Coeymans, Gerritje (m. J.
Barclay), 35
Colden, Cadwalader, 48
Elizabeth (m. P. De Lan-
cey), 48
Constable, William, 36
Corville, Chevalier de, 52
Cox, John, 49
Mary (m. Jacob Morris),
Cruger, John Harris, 48
Cubitt, Henry, ii., 4
Richard, ii., 4
Sarah, ii., 4
distance, Sarah (m. A. Norris),
"-, 23
Cutting, Giles, 55
Dawson, Caroline, 58
Charlotte, 58
Frederick, 58
Harriet (m. C. Shard), 58
Henry, 58
Matilda, 58
Sophia, 58
William, 54, 58
William (1790- ), 58
Dehon, Ann (m. S. Wheaton),
De Lancey, Alice (m. R. Izard),
Anna (m. J. H. Cruger),
Anne (m. J. Watts), 48
Charlotte (m. Sir D. Dun-
das), 48
Elizabeth (m. J. Cox), 49
Etienne, 46
James (1703- 1760), 47
James, 49
Jane (m. J. Watts, Jr.), 49
John (1716-1741), 47
John, 48
Oliver (1717-1785), 47
Oliver, Jr., 48
Philadelphia (m. S. P.
Galway), 48
Peter (1705-1770), 37. 47
Peter, 49
Stephen, 36, 48
Stephen (17 13-1 745). 47
Stephen, 48
Susan (m. W. Draper),
Susan (m. T. Barclay),
Susanna (m. P. Warren),
William Heathcote, 47
Douglas, Sir George, 66
Margaret (m. J. Lock-
hart), 66
Draper, Sir William, 48
Drauyer, Andries (living 1674),
Anna (or Johanna) Doro-
thea (m. T. Barclay), 33
Dundas, Sir David, 48
Durrant, Sir Thomas, ii., 23
DuVal, Mary, 55
Philip, M.D., 55
Philip, D.D. (1732-1808),
Edgar, Amy (m. J. Norris of
Witton), ii., 16
Stephen, ii., 16
Eglinton, Earl of, 67
Ellison, Elizabeth (m. C. Col-
den), 48
Thomas, 48
Elwes, R. Cary, 56
Fairfield. Mary (m. Gurney
Barclay, De Lancey
Barclay, and
Steuart), 40
Fellows, Georgia Ann (m. F.
R. Rives, Jr.), 15
Fish, Hamilton, 74
Julia (m. W. L. Breese), 84
Fitch, Mary Elizabeth (m.
R. C. M. Page), 28
Flavell, Agnes, 58
Francis, 59
John Webb, 59
Josiah, 58
Thomas, 59
Frankling, Richard, ii., 3
Franks, Philadelphia (m. O.
De Lancey), 47
Frazer, Simon, 40
Fry, Henry, 25
Joshua, 26
Fyfe, William, 40
Galway, Stephen Payne, 48
Gardiner, Stephen, ii., 20, 25
Gastine, Marieanne de (m. A.
Aufrere), 55
George, Ann (m. P. DuVal), 56
Gervaise, Antoinette (m. A.
Aufrere), 52
Gibson, Julia (m. M. Borland),
Gilmer, George, 23
George, Jr. ( -1795), 26
Thomas Walker, 26
Glen, Ann Matilda Waldburg
(m. A. Barclay), 42
Gooch, Jeremy, ii., 14, 17
Susanna (m. F. Norris),
ii., 14
Gordon, Ann (m. Dr. D. King),
John, 69
Graham, Lelia (m. C. H.
Page), 27
Green, Florence (m. A. Whit-
ing), 81
Greenlaw, Richard Bathurst,
William, 59
Gregory, Elizabeth (m. R.
Thornton), 24
Roger, 24
Gnfhn, William Preston, 74
Grove, Samuel, 54
Grymes, Lucy (m. T. Nelson),
Mary (m. R. Nelson), 30
Gyles, Anne, ii., 5
Robert, ii., 5
Halsted, Caleb 0., 75
Lucy (m. J. Kean), 75
Hamilton, Janet (m. J. Lock-
hart), 65
Hardenbroek, Catharina (m.
J. Roosevelt), 34
Harding, Elizabeth Octavia
(m. G. Baker), 59
Hare, Elizabeth Emlen (m. G.
B. Rives), 18
J. Montgomery, 18
Havemeyer, Carlotta, 82
Florence Hildegarde, 82
Frederic Christian, 82
Henry Osborne, 82
Henry Osborne, Jr., 82
Heathcote, Anne (m. J. De
Lancey), 47
Heneage, Thomas, 57
Herron, Emily Collins (m. G.
Parsons), 83
Hildreth, James, 78
Lucy (m. W. Whiting), 78
Richard, 78
Zechariah, 78
Hobson, Mary Anna (m. Mann
Page), 28
Hooper, George, 19
Rachel (m. N. Cabell), 19
Hoops, Margaret (m. J. Wal-
ker, Jr.), 26
Hopkins, Mary (m. J. Cabell),
Hornsby, Joseph, 26
Houston, Fannie (m. T. Nel-
son), 29
Innes-Ker, Lord Alastair, 84
Izard, Ralph, 48
Jay, Frederick, 35
Jenney, Sir Arthur, ii., 16
Francis, ii., 16
Jones, Elizabeth Brierson (m.
J. Cabell), 20
Thomas, 47
Jordan, Margaret (m. W.
Cabell), 20, 21
Paulina (m. J. Cabell), 20
Samuel, 20
Kean, Alexander Livingston,
Caroline Morris (m. G. L.
Rives), 17, 75
Christine (m. W. P. Grif-
fin), 74
Christine Griffin (m. W.
E. Roosevelt), 76
Elizabeth d'Hauteville,
Hamilton Fish, 76
John ( -1795), 73. 74
John (1814-1895), 74
John (1852- ), 75
John (1888- ), 76
Julia (m. H. Fish), 74
Julian Halsted, 76
Lucy Halsted, 76
Kean, Peter Philip James, 74
Robert Winthrop, 76
Susan Livingston, 75
Kinloch, Francis, 25
King David, ( -1894), 15
David, M.D., 15
Maud Gwendolen (m. E.
M. Armstrong), 15
Philip W. R., 15
Le Clerc, Catherine (m. A.
Aufrere), 51
Lent, Anna (m. A. Barclay),
Lievens, Annetje (m. G. G.
Van Schaick), 34
Lindsay, Reuben, 26
Lispenard, Anthony, 34
Livingston, Eliza Glass, 39, 41
Peter Schuyler, 39
Peter Van Brugh, 73-75
Philip, 73
Robert, 73
Schuyler, 39
Susan (m. J. Kean), 73
William, 75
Loccard, Malcolm, 63, 64
Simon, 63
Stephen, 63
Lockhart, Alexander, 64
Alexander, Lord Coving-
ton, 68
Alexander, Rev., 68
Alexander, Sir, 72
Allan, 64
Allan ( -1547). 65
Charles ( -1802), 71
Charles ( -1796), 71
Charles Sarah ( -1774),
Clementina (m. J. Gor-
don), 69
Clementina, 71
Euphemia (m. Earl of
Wigton), 69
George, Sir ( -1688),
George, 67, 68
George (1 700-1 761), 68
George (1 726-1 761), 69
Lockhart, Grace (m. Earl of
Aboyne), 67
James, Sir ( -1502), 65
James, 65
James, Sir, 65
James, Lord Lee, 65, 66
James, Colonel (1707-
1749). 69
James, Count( -1790),
57, 69-71
James ( -179°). 7*
James ( -1793). 72
John, of Bar, 64
John, Sir, 67
Margaret (m. Allan Lock-
hart), 64
Maria Theresa (m. Sir C.
Lockhart Ross), 71
Marianne Matilda (m. A.
Aufrere), 57, 71
Mary (m. J. Rattray),
Matilda (m. J. Lockhart),
Matilda (m. Camp-
bell), 71
Matilda, 71
Norman, 68
Norman, 72
Philadelphia, 72
Philip, 67
William, General, 66
William, Admiral, 68
Longworth, Joseph, 5
Landon Rives, 5
Maria (m. G. W. Nichols
and Bellamy Storer), 5
Nicholas, 5
Lynar, Alexander, Furst von
und zu, 83
Ernst, 83
George, 83
Jane, 83
Lynsey, Edward, ii., 8
Edward, Jr., ii., 12
Macetier, Claire (m. P. Au-
frere), 50
Macmurdo, Phillis (m. N.
Lockhart), 72
Macmurdo, Sarah Catharine
(m. A. L. Rives), 12
McNiel, Jane (m. Sir Alexan-
der Lockhart) , 72
Maury, Mathew, 26
Meade, Richard Kidder, 7
Meredith, Margaret (m. W.
Cabell), 19
Meriwether, Ann Kinloch (m.
Fred. W. Page), 27
Nicholas, 24
Milner-Gibson, Jasper Joseph
Alexander, 83
Minshull, George Rowland, 59
Moncrieffe, Thomas, 35
Monk, George, ii., 17
John, ii., 17
Samuel, ii., 17
Montgomery, Euphemia (m.
G. Lockhart), 67
Moore, Elizabeth (m. J. Wal-
ker), 35
Sarah (m. H. Barclay), 36
Moray, Earl of, 69
Morris, Jacob, 74
Lewis, 74
Nannie Watson (m. T.
W. Page), 28
Sarah Sabina (m. P. P. J.
Kean), 74
Murray [Miss] (m. J. Lock-
hart), 71
Nelson, Carter, 32
Elizabeth (m. Thomp-
son), 31
Frances Edmonia, 32
Hugh (of Penrith, Eng.),
Hugh (1750- ), 26, 31
Jane Byrd (m. F. Walker),
Judith (m. T. Nelson), 32,
Lucy (m. E. Pendleton),
Maria, 32
Mary (m. Edmund Berke-
ley), 29
Nathaniel (1745- ),30
Nathaniel (1786- ), 32
Nelson, Robert, 30
Sally (m. R. Burwell), 29
Thomas (1677-1745), 29
Thomas (1 716-1782), 29
Thomas (1738-1789), 30
Thomas (1780- ), 31
William (1711-1772), 29
William (1754- ), 30
Nichols, George Ward, 5
Niemcewicz, Count Julian, 74
Norris, Amey, ii., 18
Anna (m. A. Aufrere), 57;
ii., 20
Anne, ii., 8
Anthony (1635- ), ii.,
Anthony, of Barton (
-1785), ii., 23
Carolina (m. Ewen), ii., 18
Charlotte Laura (m. J.
Wodehouse), ii., 21
Edward (1602- ),ii.,6
Edward (1634- ), ii.,
Elizabeth (m. N. Brewer),
ii., 4
Elizabeth (m. G. Brevi-
ter), ii., 7
Elizabeth ( -1638,
unm.), ii., 9
Elizabeth (m. S. Monk),
ii., 17
Francis (1599-1666), ii.,
6, 13-15
Francis (1642, d. inf.), ii.,
Francis (1643- ), ii., 15
Francis ( about 1655-
.), ii-, 17
Francis of Rycot, ii., 24
Hannah, ii., 9
Jeremy (1630- ), ii.,
15, 22
Jeremy (about 1760), ii.,
John (1564-1618), ii., 3, 5
John (1590- ), ii., 5
John (1605-1637), ii., 6, 7
John (about 1635- ),
ii., 9
Norris, John (1627-1701), ii.,
John ( -1716), ii., 17-
John (I7"-I735)» "•> l8>
John (1734- ), ii., 21
Judith (m. E. Lynsey),
ii., 8
Mary (m. R. Frankling),
ii-, 3
Mary (m. M. Ansell), ii., 8
Mathew, ii., 6
Oliver, ii., 17
Peter, ii., 3
Robert (1607- ), ii., 7
Robert (1632- ), ii., 15
Sarah (m. R. Cubitt), ii., 4
Sarah (1 593-161 1, unm.),
ii., 7
Stephen, ii., 16, 23
Susan (1604-1638, unm.),
ii., 8
Susan (m. Green), ii.,
Susanna (m. G. Bootie),
ii-, 3
Susanna (living in 1639),
Thomas (living in 1583),
"., 3
Thomas (1598-1665), ii.,
6, 10-13
Thomas (1629- ),ii., 15
Thomas (about 1655-
),"., 17
Thomasine (m. T. Brown),
ii., 17
Thomasine (m. Sir A.
Allin), ii., 18
Titus or Tytus (1536-
1619), ii., 1-5
Titus, ( -1579), Ji-i 3
—Titus, (1 595-161 5), ii., 5
-William, ii., 15
North, Dudley, 56
Page, Carter Henry, 27
Charlotte Nelson, 28
Ella, 27
Page, Francis Walker, 27
Frederick Winslow, 27
Jane (m. Nathaniel Nel-
son), 30, 31
Jane Walker (1 828-1 845,
unm.), 28
John, 31
John Cary (1 824-1 826),
Judith (m. Hugh Nelson),
Lucy Mann (m. N. Nel-
son), 32
Marn (of Rosewell), 31
Mann (of Keswick), 27
Mann (1831-1864), 28
Maria, 27
Richard Channing Moore,
Thomas Walker, 28
William Wilmer, 28
Parsons, Amelia (m. Prince
Lynar), 83
Anne (1893- ), 84
Anne Eliza Dennison (m.
James Thomson), 84
Edwin Morgan, 84
Elizabeth (m. J. J. A.
Milner-Gibson), 83
Elizabeth, 83
George McLellan (1818-
1895), 82
George McLellan (1880-
Gustavus, 83
Jane (m. J. A. Swan), 83
Jane (d. inf.), 83
John Herron, 83
Joseph Olds, 84
Louis, 84
Mary (d. inf.), 84
Mary Louise (m. W. L.
Breese and H. V. Hig-
gins), 84
Sarah (d. inf.), 83
Sarah (d. inf.), 83
Susan Barclay (m. M.
Ward), 41
William Barclay (1828-
1887), 41
Parsons, William Burrington
( -1869), 41
Pelham, Arabella (m. T. Hene-
age), 57
Caroline (m. R. C. Elwes),
Charles, 56
Charles Anderson, 56
Charlotte (m. W. Ten-
nant), 56
George, 57
Georgiana (m. B. Dash-
wood), 57
Lucy, 56
Sophia (m. D. North), 56
Pendleton, Edmund, 31
Pitney, Caroline Louise (m.
C. O. Halsted), 75
Playters, Caroline or Carolina
(m. John Norris, Jr.,
of Witton), ii., 18
Elizabeth (m. John Norris
of Witchingham), ii., 21
Sir John, ii., 18, 21
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 7
Richard, 7
Potts, Allen, 13
Thomas Rives, 13
Power, Louise Agnes (m. H.
Sigourney), 13
Powys, Sir Thomas, ii., 20
Prescott, Elizabeth (m. Z.
Hildreth), 78
Fanny (m. R. Baker), 59
Prevdt, Marie (m. A. Aufrere),
^ 5i
Rattray, Johr;, 69
Reid, Margaret (m. T. Nelson),
Rhinelander, Mary F. (m. W.
C. Rives), 12
Rives, Alexander, 8
Alfred Landon, 12, 13
Alice, 12
Am61ie Louise (m. H.
Sigourney), 13
Amelie Louise (m. J. A.
Chanler and Prince P.
Troubetskoy), 13
Rives, Anna Maria (m. J.
Longworth), 5
Arthur Landon, 12
Constance Evelyn (m. J.
Borland), 16
Edward, 6
Elizabeth, 8
Ella (1834-1892, unm.), 13
Ella Louisa (m. D. King),
Francis Bayard ( 1 890-
), 18
Francis Robert (1822-
1891), 11, 13-15, 45
Francis Robert, Jr. (1853-
1890), 15
George (1802- 1874), 7
George Barclay (1874-
), 18, 75
George Lockhart (1849-
). 15, 17, 75. 82
Gertrude (m. Allen Potts),
Helen Mildred, 17
Henry, 7
James B., 7
Landon Cabell (1790-
1870), 5
Landon Cabell, Jr., 5
Lucy Shands (m. A.
Brown), 6
Margaret (m. R. King), 5
Margaret Jordan (1792-
1862, unm.), 6
Maud Antonia (m. W. B.
Smith), 16
Mildred Sara, 18
Paulina Cabell (m. R.
Pollard), 7
Reginald Bulkley (1890-
), 17
Reginald William (1861-
), 16
Robert (1764- 1845), 4
Robert (1798- 1869), 7
William ( -1775), 4
William Cabell (i793~
1868), 6, 8-1 1
William Cabell, Jr. (1825-
1889), 11
Rives, William Cabell (1850-
), 12
Robinson, Beverley, 30, 39
Beverley, Jr., 37, 38
John, 30
Susan (m. R. Nelson), 30
Rose, Judith Scott (m. L.
Cabell), 22
Roosevelt, Alice (m. N. Long-
worth), 5
Christine Kean (m. J. E.
Shelley), 76
— — George Emlen, 76
Helena (m. Andrew Bar-
clay), 34
Jacobus, 34
James Alfred, 76
John Kean, 76
Lucy Margaret, 76
Philip James, 76
Theodore, 76
William Emlen, 76
Ross, Sir Charles Lockhart, 71
Sir John Lockhart, 67
Matilda (m. Sir T. Coch-
rane), 71
Rutgers, Anthony, 36
Mary (m. T. Barclay), 36
Schuyler, Alida (m. N. Van
Rensselaer and R. Living-
ston), 73
Gertrude (m. S. Van
Cortlandt), 46
Philip, 73
Sears, David, 10
Grace Winthrop (m. W.
C. Rives), 10
Sewster, Robina (m. Sir W.
Lockhart), 66
Sforza, Count Riario, 68
Shands, Lucy (m. W. Rives), 4
Priscilla, 4
William, 4
Shard, Charles, 58
Shelley, James E., 76
Sigourney, Henry, 13
Simpson, Henrietta (m. C.
Pelham), 56
1. Bridgeman, 56
Sloane, Priscilla Dixon (m. J.
L. Barclay), 36
Smith, Evelyn Rives, 16
Mary (m. A. Aufrere),
Walker Breese, 16
William Henry, 16
Squires, Paul, 61
Storer, Bellamy, 5
Struthers, Elizabeth (m. R.
W. Rives), 17
Stuyvesant, Peter Gerard, 41
Swan, Albert, 81
Alexander, 80
George, 81
Gustavus, 79, 80
James Andrews, 83
Jane (m. G. M. Parsons),
John, 79
John (living in 1764), 80
Joseph R., 83
Sarah (m. A. Whiting),
79. 81
Syme, Sarah (m. S. J. Cabell),
Taggart, Sarah (m. John Swan),
Taliaferro [MissJ (m. W. Nel-
son), 30
Taylor, Katherine (m. R.
Winthrop), 76
Ten Eyck, Margaret (m. J.
Barclay), 35
Tennant, William, 56
Thornton, Elizabeth (m. T.
Walker), 25
Mildred (m. T. Walker),
Reuben, 24
Tippet t, Martha (m. J. De-
Lancey), 49
Towles, Anna Maria (m. L.
C. Rives), 5
Townshend, Charlotte (m.
John Norris of Witch-
ingham), ii., 21
Edward, ii., 21
Troubetskoy, Prince Pierre, 13
Tucker, Maria Farley (m. G.
Rives), 7
Turner, Sir John, ii., 21
Van Brugh, Catherine (m. P.
Livingston), 73
Van Cortlandt, Anne (m. S.
De Lancey), 46
Augustus (1728-1823), 34
Stephanus, 46
Vandewater, Hendricke (m.
Anthony Rutgers), 36
Van Schaick, Gerritje (m.
Andries Drawyer), 33
Goosen Gerritse, 34
Walker, Elizabeth (m. Mathew
Maury), 26
Francis, 26, 27
Jane Frances (m. M. Page,
John (171 1- ), 23
John (1 744-1 809), 25
Judith Page (m. W. C.
Rives), 6, 28
Lucy (m. G. Gilmer), 26
Martha (m. G. Divers),
Mary (m. N. Lewis), 25
Mary Peachy (m. G.
Gilmer), 23
Mildred (m. J. Hornsby),
Peachy (m. Joshua Fry),
Reuben, 26
Sarah (m. R. Lindsay), 26
Susan (m. W. H. Smith),
Susan (m. Henry Fry), 25
Thomas (living in 1662),
Thomas (living in 1709),
Thomas (17 15-1794), 23-
Thomas, Jr. (1749- ),
Thomas Hugh (1800-
1805), 27
Walpoole, Diana (m. 1583),
ii-, 3
Ward, Montagnie, 41
Washington, Augustine, 24
George, 24
Mildred (m. R. Gregory),
Watson, Sally Kearsley (m.
A. Rives), 8
Watts, Catherine (m. H. Bar-
clay), 40
John, 49
Robert, 40
Wehrtmann, Caroline (m. G.
A. Aufrere), 58, 62
John Michael, 58
Weir, Elizabeth (m. J. Lock-
hart), 65
Western, Amelia (m. Gustavus
Swan), 80
Wharton, Philadelphia (m. Sir
G. Lockhart), 67
Philip, Lord, 67
Wheaton, Salmon, 15
Sarah (m. Dr. D. King),
Whiting, Alonzo (1802-d. inf.),
Alonzo ( 1 804-1 828), 79
Amelia (m. J. H. Davis),
Augustus (1795-d. inf.),
Augustus ( 1 796-1 873), 79,
Augustus (1850- 1 894), 81
Augustus (1878- d. inf.),
Charlotte (m. H. O. Have-
meyer), 81
George, 82
Henry Swan, 82
Isaac Newton, 79
Jane, 81
Sara (m. G. L. Rives), 18
William (1730- 1793), 78
William (1762-1828), 77
William (1785-1828), 79
William Augustus (1847-
d. inf.), 81
Wickham, Alida (m. J. De
Lancey), 58
Wig ton, Earl of, 69
Willing, Mary (m. W. Nelson),
Willoughby de Eresby, Lord
(see Ancaster), 84
Wilmer, Richard H., 7
-William Holland, 7
Winthrop, Katherine (m.
F. Kean), 76
Robert, 76
Wishart, Fergusia (m.
Lockhart), 68
Wishart, Sir George, 68
Wodehouse, John, ii., 21
Sir John, ii., 21
Lord, ii., 21
Wood, Helen Hall (m. J. H.
Parsons), 83
Wright, Clara O. (m. H. A.
Barclay), 36
Wydown, Isabella Bachem (m.
A. Rives), 8
Yarborough, Lord, 56
Yates, Joseph C, 48